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Print Album Question (Wedding Photography)


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<p>Hi all,<br>

I did a brief search for my particular question, but could not find it, so here it goes:<br>

With one of my wedding photography packages I offer 4x6 prints and an album (that they are presented in, obviously). I had been going out to a local store to purchase an album - but reading some threads on here got me wondering if this may not be a good idea.<br>

Should I be looking online to order albums? And, do they sell them in bulk? I know it might be a matter of preference, but I would like to hear some others opinions...</p>

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<p>Jo -</p>

<p>If your 4x6's are "proof" quality - IE no retouching, blemish reduction, color enhancement / correction then going to the store and buy an album as you need is fine. As my wife says - We're not Target's warehouse! Why keep 15 albums around that you don't need?</p>

<p>If on the other hand - you're delivering "Final" prints - then the local, store bought is probably not the way to go. Albums for "final" prints are typically acid free pages that are created for archival quality storage of the images. For those - you certainly can buy them local, you just need to go to right store and find them... Same goes for custom printed albums.</p>



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<p><em>"With one of my wedding photography packages I offer 4x6 prints and an album (that they are presented in, obviously). I had been going out to a local store to purchase an album - but reading some threads on here got me wondering if this may not be a good idea."</em><br>


Most pros that offer wedding albums with their packages are not using the consumer stuff for 4x6 prints. Many "albums" will cost as much and sometimes more than the actual wedding coverage. You might want to attend a professional tradeshow to see all the options or visit some local wedding studios to see what they have.<br>

<em><br /></em></p>

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<p>Is it standard to include such things in wedding packages? [4x6's (prints) in an album]..<br>

I am relatively new in the industry and have been researching these things, but it can be hard to get anywheres without actually talking to other professionals (hence the post). <br>

Any help is greatly appreciated at this point..</p>

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<p>Jo -</p>

<p>I stick by my first answer.</p>

<p>Farceur is correct - custom made albums can run anywhere from $150 and up...definitely not something to give away with every package. Many photographers only include the album with their high end packages (think $2,000 and up)</p>

<p>I'd suggest doing a google search on albums to get an idea of the pricing then you can decide what you want to do. I personally don't give an album with my packages. I deliver unmounted prints and a DVD of the images.</p>



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<p><em>"I am relatively new in the industry and have been researching these things, but it can be hard to get anywheres without actually talking to other professionals (hence the post)....."<br /></em><br>

You are very new and would benefit from networking with local pros and getting some pro training. I would suggest that you join PPA and/or WPPI, visit a trade show, look at one of the trade magazines (which are full of the ads from album companies). A good album will cost the photographer around $300-500 and will have a typical markup somewhere between $750-1500. If nothing else visit an established professional studio and look at their sample albums for some ideas.</p>

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<p>I am finding it hard to connect with local "pros" because of the competition factor. Most people in the area will not share any valuable information and advice, especially if they are in the same field. Its sad really.<br>

My training is ongoing, as it should be. I have completed a degree, with photography as the focus. I am taking various workshops to continue to improve my skills as well as learn the business aspects of being a self-employed photographer. It truly is not easy breaking into a market where most people are self-employed. <br>

Anyways, thanks for your help. I appreciate the advice.</p>

<p> </p>

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