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Photo.net Pentax K-x preview now posted...


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<p>Interesting how Pentax consciously or unconsciously is emulating Apple computers. Not too many years ago Apple was on the ropes with about a 3% market share (about what Pentax has in the camera world). Then Apple introduced the color Imac line of computers, sales took off, and the rest in history. So now Pentax introduces the color K-x.........................</p>


<p>Apple also had a group of feisty, devoted followers and some sympathy; they had, after all, pioneered many, many common features, but were overwhelmed by business users. </p>

<p>Think about Pentax, Canon F1, the emergence of Sports Illustrated and action photography for money in general. Think about Olympus OM (my brother had one back in the day) and the MX. Perhaps looking back the single decision to answer Olympus may have sent Pentax down the path that brings us here.</p>

<p>Think about creative destruction as a virtue and how electronics makers used that to attack entrenched analog device makers across entire economies. Think about Swiss watches <em>vs.</em> Casio and how the Swatch saved an entire industry.</p>

<p>The Apple analogy is apt, but Apple itself was taking a page from Swatch.</p>

<p>The fact that Apple was still there, and Pentax is still here to compete, is a miracle.</p>




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<p>John-Paul, I have a K100D Super and a K10D. The low light capabilities of the K100D Super still impress me, and are above those of the K10D. If the user interface and processing speed of the K100D Super where like that of the K10D, I would use it a lot more often.</p>

<p>If the K-7 has an ISO 3,200 IQ that equals that of the K100D, then I have another reason to buy one. For daylight stuff (or when strobing) I am very happy with the K10D, but when I shoot concerts in pubs, I really do need ISO 6,400.</p>

<p>Do you still have the K100D Super? If so, I'd love to see some high-ISO comparisons with the K-7.</p>

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<p>Josh, thanks for the info. You may not have noticed, but the "Equipment" forum sub-category "Pentax" does not yet have links to either the K-7 or the K-x. Your website readers might enjoy finding info on these 2 exciting new cameras from Pentax.</p>


<p>There are only a few of us who run photo.net and we have a lot to do. We do our best, but sometimes things get pushed to the back burner in favor of more crucial projects.</p>

<p>A renewal of that page is in the works however. As you are correct, it is out of date.</p>

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<p>Is there really a significant difference in performance in the AA-cell using cameras when using rechargeables versus Lithiums? I've only ever used the latter in my DL once or twice, due to cost, and thought *maybe* things seemed snappier, but I wasn't sure if it was a placebo kind of thing or not. Like maybe I wanted it to be snappier since I had paid ten dollars for a set of four disposable batteries... </p>

<p>Normally, I use Eneloops, and have been for nearly two years. I'm looking at a K-x with the intention of continuing to use the Sanyo batteries, unless someone can convince me that the performance would be measurably better with 1.5v cells. I have my doubts, as I would have assumed Pentax would almost certainly have designed their AA cameras around the fact that most folks are going to opt for NiMH rechargeables; so they would have based the gear around a 4.8v system...</p>



<p>To add my 2 cents to Josh's AA rant, I would have to say that I agree...The AA thing is ok for me because of the low number of Images Daniel takes...But here is the thing. For his K100D super, he has 1 set of CRV-3 lithium rechargeable batteries that are awesome...They provide the full 6 volts the camera needs to perform its best. AA lithium's or non rechargeables are also 6V..<strong>BUT</strong> <strong>AA rechargeables are a max of 4.8 volts.</strong> ..This hurts frame rate and auto focus speed for obvious reasons...I am hoping this new K-X will also accept CRV-3's otherwise it will need to be $9.00 a pop every time I need to put batteries in the thing....</p>


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  • 2 years later...

<p>FWIW i purchased a Pentax K-x on Saturday. The usage of the AA cells, which i've suffered in my Optio, just was not right. One set lasted a whole day in sub-zero temps, without much care. Averaged -12C ! The next day, which was mild, a fresh set were exhausted in 36 pix! Back it went!<br>

The digital system with all this reliance on battery, plus Pentax going backwards with AA cells simply angers me. I like using Digital. I like the look. I hate being stopped by dead battery.<br>

I guess my Digital will remain for another year or two, with point and shoot digital, film for my other camera systems.</p>

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Wow, what a blast from the past, Jason.



What type of batteries were you using? There were battery issues when the K-x first came out; some of them may have been addressed via firmware upgrades (did you install the latest firmware before starting to use the camera?). I seem to remember that the consensus was that Eneloop batteries were the best option and gave no issues.



Maybe you should consider the Pentax K-r. About the same size as the K-x but improved in many ways, and maybe more importantly to you, it runs on a Lithium Ion battery (though you have the option to use AA batteries via an adapter if you really want to).

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