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5dmk II Video playback on pc


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<p >Just got my new 5dmkII camera when I tried to watch a recorded video on my pc with 1080dpi the movie is jerky and not in sink I copied the file to my hardrive still the same problem I’m using window media 11 and also tried QuickTime same problem my machine running is Intel p4 3.2 and 2 gig ram video card is ATI radon 640 mb all in wonder DDR . I wonder if there is a plug-in or Codex that i need also I tried to burn it as a DVD Movie using nero but nero wont recognize the video format any feedback will be appreciated . the movie play fine using the camera .</p>
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<p>If you search for previous post you will learn that even with the fastest PC available today, you will not be able to view the movie with windows media or quicktime. If you have a mac no problem. Serch google for the freeware called VLC, that progam plays the movie files smoothly but you need to configure it first. Or just buy a mac like I did. Good Luck.</p>
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<p>The VLC media player will solve your problem. My computer is a couple of years old and plays back the video perfectly with this program.</p>

<p>Download the latest from videolan.org and do the following:</p>

<p>H.264 codecs are pretty CPU intensive and VLC can't use multi-cores to decode it yet.<br />1. Open Tools/ Preferences<br />2. Click Show settings = All<br />3. Go to "Input/Codecs<br />4. Go to "Other codecs/ FFmpeg" subcategory<br />5. Set "Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding" to ALL<br />6. Restart VLC</p>


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<p>Hello John<br>

I had the same problem on my Dell laptop. I found the problem to be my hard drive not being fast enough. I resolved this by purchasing a Seagate Free Agent 1.5 TB ESATA external hard drive. This drive is fast enough that I can now play my files copied from the camera to HD using Quicktime no problems. My editing tool of coice which works well on the PC is Sony Vegas Platinum Pro. I am also able to play files through that with no problems. I tried a MAC for the first time and did not like it at all. IMovie was very hard to export back out to other programs. Video is not so much about the OS as the resources. Any machine with the most memeory, Fastest Hard drive, and Fastest CPU will be the best. I.E, A 64 bit Dell with an ESATA hard drive will be faster than a MAC book pro with internal Hard Drive.</p>

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<p>Nonsense, I'm editing 5d2 movs on a PC with Vegas as we speak. Typical Mac BS</p>


<p>Sounds like you're on the defensive and have resorted to stereotyping and negativity. Cool, you got it goin' on baby!</p>

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- Robert Hunter

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