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Aperture Metadata

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<p>This seems like it's something that's so obvious that I'm missing it in the manual (I have looked for it) or am seriously over-analysing the situation!</p>

<p>It boils down to this: what is the "best practice" for entering captions in Aperture?</p>

<p>My first thought was that this was obviously the "Caption" field. However, firstly, I note that this is not where the equivalent "Caption" field in iPhoto is migrated when you import your library. Instead, the caption ends up in the "Version Name" field and the notes field ends up in Apertures "Caption" field. Secondly, I read in a few places that Apertures Web Export didn't work well when you used Caption, instead preferring the "Version Name" field, though I've a feeling those comments related to version 1.x of Aperture.</p>

<p>All hints and suggestions welcomed with apologies in advance if this is a dumb question!</p>

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<p>What are you trying to achieve with the "caption" ? I like to use the keywords, and have added several that work for how I will want to search for pictures. I also import pictures with custom names so that The filename will identify what trip, session etc, the pic comes from.</p>
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<p>The caption would be just an English description of the image, possibly used as a label when printing or uploading to the web or as a broad search criterion.</p>

<p>So this is something like how I would see the data:</p>

<p>Caption: Brighton seafont<br>

Keywords: uk, beach, sea, travel, sand, water<br>

Version Name: Sepia Toned</p>

<p>Just want to make sure that I am not shooting myself in the foot by standardising on something like that. I like the idea of using custom names on import; that does sound like a time saver.</p>

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