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What would be wise choise while upgrading from XTi?


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I am having XTi (400D) right now. Pretty satisfied with it except ok type view finder and relatively large spot for spot metering. My use mainly is Travel, Nature and Macro.<br>

If I would like to upgrade the body, what would be a good choice? Budget around $1100.<br>

I was considering T1i or 50D.<br>

Any comments would be helpful.<br>

Thank you<br>


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<p>My guess is that the viewfinder on the 500D/T1i is no improvement upont the 400D/XTi.</p>

<p>I recently bought a 50D after using an 400D/XTi for almost two years. To me it's a great upgrade. (Though it must be said there's always a learning curve when getting a new body.)</p>

<p>Some people prefer the 40D over the 50D but I think that is because of the same learning curve...</p>

<p>I'd say in your situation the 50D is a good bet. (Other options are a second hand 5D or indeed the 500D/T1i. The first having a great viewfinder and FF sensor -which might be a problem if you have EF-s lenses. The second having a shiny new sensor and a lot of fin features but housed in a small body and having a small viewfinder.)</p>

<p>Good luck, Matthijs.</p>

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<p>Like Matthijs, I upgraded from a 400D to a 50D recently (last May). I really enjoy it and have zero regrets. Matthijs is right--there is a learning curve, because the controls are quite different. However, once you learn them, the controls are much faster and more flexible. On the other hand, I think Frank is right: a new lens might make more of a difference, depending on what you already have.</p>

<p>Re the endless arguments about 40D/50D: IMHO, I think it is much ado about very little. If I had a 40D, I would not spring for a 50D. Not enough of an upgrade. But I think there is not much to the constant postings saying that one should avoid the 50D and buy a used 40D. The 50D has a lot of features the 40D does not (e.g., live view, micro adjustment, lots more room for cropping, etc.). The only weakness of the 50D relative to the 40D, as far as I can tell, may be SLIGHTLY higher noise at high ISOs. The reviews are inconsistent about this, but I read lots of them before buying, and they did not indicate a substantial difference in this regard. I reached the conclusion that they are both fine cameras,and for my purposes, the 50D is superior.</p>

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<p>I have the same problem, when I go back from my EOS 3 to my 400d (XTi) I really start to realise how poor the viewfinder is.<br>

The 450 and 500 are supposed to have brighter screens but really its the 40d or 50d that brings about the biggest improvement as the the pentaprism design is totally different, much brighter and easier to live with.<br>

More recent EOS cameras do also have live view which for landscape and macro at least, will be useful, so even another rebel body may suffice with live view.<br>

Wait a week and see what canon have up their sleeves, rumours abound that a new APS-C camera with a 100% finder is just around the corner.<br>

It's a shame because I get on great guns with my EOS 400 in every other way.</p>

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<p>I would go with the 40D. I like the controls on it better than the Rebels and although it has less MP than the 50D, it performs better at high ISO's for this reason. It is cheaper than the 50D leaving you extra $$$ for whatever, and the 10MP vs 15MP on the 50D is still plenty.</p>
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<p>Thank you all of you.<br>

@<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=324861">Frank Mueller</a> : I have following lenses: Comments?<br>

Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS<br /> Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS (planning to buy 70-200L or 70-300 IS in future)<br /> Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II<br /> Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM<br>

Boosting from 10 mpixel to 15 would itself be a handsome gain I suppose.</p>

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<p>You have some pretty good lenses. Have you ever handled a 50D? I prefer the larger 40/50/5D bodies but its more to carry when you travel and not quite as discrete. I would seriously consider waiting a bit longer and see what gets released in the coming months. </p>
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<p>Both cameras you are considering are fine. I have the T1i and like it a lot. I like to think the 50d has some features over the T1i has that justifies the $300 additional price. Why don't you go to your local B&M and put both cameras in your hands. I think that will go a long way in helping you decide.</p>
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