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Calibration - Pics look different online than in windows

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<p>I have my monitor calibrated with a spyder2express. For some reason, as you see in the picture below, my pictures look differently on my smugmug site than in windows/photoshop/thumbsplus. Does anyone know why this would be?<br>

<br />Thanks,<br>


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<p>To my understanding IE just ignores the color profile. Even photos that are in sRGB are not displayed correctly unless the monitor profile happens to be exactly the same as sRGB - which I assume is fairly unlikely.<br /> Firefox 3.0.x does handle color management correctly. You just have to turn on the color management on in the configuration. (about:config -> gfx.color_management.enabled; true) Firexox 3.5 changed the color management engine, and that broke the functionality at least with my monitor profile - maybe it works with some other setups.</p>
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<p>If your LCD is one of those that has a wider gamut than sRGB, somewhere around NTSC or AdobeRGB, AND your sRGB converted images aren't viewed in a color managed browser or viewer, then the image will have this color shift because your wide gamut LCD is showing the sRGB numbers through its color space.</p>

<p>You can emulate the effect you see in that third shot in Photoshop by viewing your sRGB converted image in your monitor's space by assigning your Spyder2Express made profile or going into Proof Setup under the View menu and selecting Monitor RGB. </p>

<p> </p>

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PS and LR is different!? Hm? You may try a verification step. Take an image (tiff or jpg) that is known to be in sRGB with sRGB profile attached. Bring them in PS (I assume that preserve embedded profile policy is set) and LR, compare. If they are still different and you can't find anything suspicious in PS color settings try run profiling/calibration again. Remember the name of the profile. After profiling verify in screen properties that the profiled installed in the system is actually correct one. See the sRGB image again.</p>

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