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High-quality LCD for postprocessing on Wintel platform?

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<p>I am reluctantly contemplating retiring my Viewsonic CRT monitor. It has served me well, but I think that I need to replace it with an LCD monitor. For work and budget-related reasons, I cannot simply buy a Macintosh setup for photo postprocessing. Consequently, I need an LCD that works on the Wintel platform.<br>

The last time I researched this topic (3 or so years ago), I could not find any Wintel platform LCD monitors that 1) were good enough for photo postprocessing, and 2) cost $500 or less. Has this situation changed? I am not a pro photographer, but I do calibrate my monitor and want something that will enable me to use RAW editing tools to bring out shadow detail, correct white balance problems, etc. And the monitor also has to be sharp. Please let me know whether anything viable is on the market. I'd like to keep the cost reasonable because i'd rather spend photo budget funds on lenses than monitors. Thanks.</p>

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