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M6 zinc corrosion getting worse?


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<p>I was offered a Leitz ("Wetzlar") M6 built in 1985 that shows some very mild zinc corrosion on the top plate.<br>

The camera is now more than 20 years old. Should I expect the corrosion problem to get worse over time or will it now stay the way it is?</p>


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<p>Any signs of corrosion or oxidation are likely the result of exposure to moisture. Perhaps the camera was stored in a basement or attic at one time or otherwise placed in a high moisture environment for an extended period (or used in the tropics?) I hope it was not the result of contact with salt water, which is probably the worst thing for any camera.<br /> If you keep the camera out of such environments, there should not be further deterioration. However, signs of external damage could mean that there are other internal problems caused by the same exposure. I would want to have such a camera checked by a repair pro before purchasing it.</p>
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<p>Corrosion occurs over time and once the initiation has begun if the source of the reaction is not stopped it will get worse. Since we don't know exactly the source of the reaction, one can't fortell the future except to say, it won't get better.<br>

Purchase another M6.-Dick</p>

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<p>It's not moisture, it's a plating defect. My unscientific observation of various cameras over 20+ years is that some will continue to deteriorate for no particular reason, even if cared for carefully. Dick's advice is what's right. There's a good chance it will get worse, and it is a resale killer.</p>
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<p>To answer my own question: I have feedback from a Leica technician at Solms that "corrosion" will get worse when you store the camera for longer in a place without air circulation (in bags, original box, etc.). With regular use the reaction stops.<br>

This matches the user experience reported here http://nemeng.com/leica/042b.shtml<br>

<em>"Well, a few weeks ago I took the Leica M6 out of its bag to check the lenses. As I said I hardly use it these days. To my horror, it had exploded like chicken pox. Bubbles all over the top plate. And also one part had corroded into a hole about 1.5mm in diameter. Apart from the one bubble I saw some time ago, this camera body was close to mint. I am devastated."</em><br>

<br /> Unless you are collector and not going to use your camera, no big deal I think.<em><br /> </em></p>

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