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I made my lens decision... for now.


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<p>A couple of posts ago I asked the opinion b/w the Pentax and Sigma's 17-70 thinking I had a clear answer but no. Anyways, with all the back and forth in my head, I decided to put it off for a little while and instead focus on getting a flash for my k10d. My af360's door is loose and so won't hold the batteries unless I squeeze it. Tape does not do the trick. I came across an ad in our local camera shop for used af360 going for $120 and I thought I'd go in to check on it. It was gone, but they did have a Sigma 100m f/2.8 macro and the 28-75mm f/2.8 for $390 and $450 respectively. </p>


<p>Wow a true 1:1 macro is amazing! I got to play with it in the shop and was just blown away by the output. The 28-75 is a huge mother and heavy(!), and that constant 2.8 is nice. Anyways as these 2 lenses were not helping the situation any, I just decided to put it back and get a roll of color film for my vacation this weekend. </p>

<p>I then happened to see a small fixed lens tucked away and asked to see and it was a Vivitar 28mm f/2.8. This is a focal length has always interested in for both digital and film, since it's normal-ish and wide. Asking price was $25 and I got it for $20 if I would walk out the store that day with it.<br>

Anyways, slapped it on my k10d and I've been pleasantly surprised! It focuses closer than my FA50, I like the fov with it, and it's nice and wide on my k1000. And not to bad at f/2.8 either. So this lens is going to keep me happy for a little bit, and as my trip to India approaches, maybe there'll be some deals of the 17-70 and I'll start that vicious cycle (in my head) again. Oh, and probably will also be wishing for the newer 28mm.... sigh. And I got my flash fixed at my machine shop- drilled a hex screw through the door!</p>

<p>Anyways here is a pic of the lens:</p><div>00UHKp-166865584.jpg.450b2cd7d97021ed9e96fe93646bd1a8.jpg</div>

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<p>And here are some test shots I took with it. All shot in RAW, with very slight increase in exposure and contrast.<br>

shot wide open:<br>

<a title="Something simple hits the spot by Shaloot, on Flickr" href=" Something simple hits the spot title="Something simple hits the spot by Shaloot, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2668/3844034500_0dc3d934be.jpg" alt="Something simple hits the spot" width="376" height="500" /> </a></p>

<p>i think shot at f/4:<br>

<a title="The name Lily's always make me think of... by Shaloot, on Flickr" href=" The name Lily's always make me think of... title="The name Lily's always make me think of... by Shaloot, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2625/3844033876_f3c0cc21f8.jpg" alt="The name Lily's always make me think of..." width="355" height="500" /> </a></p>

<p>I think also shot at f/4 or f/5.6<br>

<a title="She'll kill me for posting this here... by Shaloot, on Flickr" href=" She'll kill me for posting this here... title="She'll kill me for posting this here... by Shaloot, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3531/3844035542_1f0f8f5fb0.jpg" alt="She'll kill me for posting this here..." width="500" height="334" /> </a><br>

I think shot wide open or 1 stop down;<br>

<a title="Happy Birthday to Me! by Shaloot, on Flickr" href=" Happy Birthday to Me! title="Happy Birthday to Me! by Shaloot, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3489/3844032844_6c4d42e132.jpg" alt="Happy Birthday to Me!" width="334" height="500" /> </a></p>

<p>so I'm quite happy with the $20 spent and looking forward to using it on my k1000 as well.</p>

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<p>Looks great! I love all the cheap lenses you can find here and there. I just spent $40 on an old Sigma 28/2.8, it is a handy focal length.</p>

<p>There's a guy who has a "Vivitar 28mm bestiary" with a little information on a lot of those lenses. You may want to check it out.</p>

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Nick wrote: "There's a guy who has a "Vivitar 28mm bestiary" with a little information on a lot of those lenses." Yes, I am that guy. With a lot of help from Pentax Forums the following insanely long list has been developed: <a href="http://photografica.robinparmar.com/vivitar.html">The Great Vivitar 28mm Bestiary</a>. Right now it's mostly for ID purposes.<br>



Somanna, yours is the K21, assuming it has no A setting. Glad you are enjoying this lens. I think everyone should have one.

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<p>Nick, yes I'm really starting to like this focal length now...<br>

wow Robin, that's quite a bit info you put together! Yes, it has no A setting, which is slightly upsetting in not that I have to use M mode with green button, but that I can't use the wireless flash function. Oh well, $20 I'm not complaining!<br>

Mugundhan- the lens is a manual focus. These were the shots that I managed to get in focus. I'm not as quick or precise with MF yet.</p>

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<p>Yes, all these Vivitars are manual focus, which is not such a problem given their focal length. You get pretty good depth of field even stopped down a bit. I have used about six or seven different variants across three different mounts. They do vary in quality but the k-mount items are quite dependable. Stopped down one they perform nicely. And some are even decent wide open. It looks like yours might be one.</p>

<p>Just realised I didn't have you marked as a Flickr contact. Oversight now corrected!</p>

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<p>The 28-75 is a huge mother and heavy(!)</p>


<p><em>Really!?!?</em> Somanna, the Tamron is the smallest and lightest 24/28-70/75mm f/2.8 zoom in the market. You should ask to see the Canon version next time you're in that store, or even the Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 (with 82mm filters!). I think you need to start taking your vitamins, Somanna :-p</p>

<p>28mm is a favourite prime lens of mine. Enjoy your Vivitar!</p>

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<p>The 28mm on film is "wide" for some people and also a good wide normal general lens, but to me the 28mm gets a completely new and useful life on a digital camera with a perfectly normal 42mm perspective. I never particularly loved or hated 50/55mm normal lenses on film, but I generally preferred my normal lens to be more on the wide end while still being normal.</p>

<p>I used to hate the 28mm on film because it was my widest lens till getting a 24mm some years later. Since I was forced to use it, and 28mm are a dime a dozen I rebeled against it, only to come back to it after getting the "super wides" and realizing how much more generally useful the 28mm is. It's actually why I like the 21mm DA so much, it sort of splits the difference between a 28 and 35mm FOV that has become a favorite.</p>

<p>Enjoy the lens, $20 is a decent deal, and I'm sure you will get your money out of it in enjoyment.</p>

<p>As far as the 28-70 2.8, I never carry mine around for general use. too heavy, too bulky, I much prefer a smaller package unless I am getting paid. I think from the sound of things the 17-70 would suit you a lot more. You could supplement it with some fast primes when you need more speed. Tossing a 28mm 2.8 and maybe a 55mm 1.8 in the bag would still weigh less, but have less camera weight dangling, and give you more options what to take and leave (not necessarily a good thing, but with practice can mean going lighter). Actually the CV 58mm 1.4 looks like a nice option since you gotta figure if you are using the 28-70 I bet mostof the time you are at the short or long end of it.<br>

Speaking of the 58 CV more and more I like the idea of it. It would make a nice addition to the prime kit, and is not much shorter but faster than the 70mm DA, and I'll bet equally sharp at f/2.4.</p>

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<p >Somanna wrote:</p>



<p>Robin- any idea how old the lens is? or at least time frame it was made - 80s, 90s, etc?</p>


<p>As best I can judge, Vivitar used Tokina as a manufacturer first, in the mid to late seventies, for T-mount and M42 lenses. They also started to use Komine and Kiron, from the seventies through eighties, for M42 and k-mount. Some of the KA variants are otherwise identical to the K, so likely they were made side-by-side and marketed at different prices. Yours is a Bauer, so I would not be surprised if it was from the nineties. Some of these were found new in box until a few years back. When did Komine and Kiron stop making glass? If it was before the nineties this would support my conjecture.</p>

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<p>I like the FOV of a 28mm on digital too and have a Pentax M 28mm f3.5. It is a really nice lens and not expensive. I had the 28mm f2.8 Pentax A but the f3.5 is sharper. The "K" version is supposed to be the best but I can't see anything wrong with the f3.5. I could have had a bad copy of the f2.8 though.<br>

I bought the Pentax 17-70 because it was Pentax and I find I use it often. This is the only SDM lens I have and the focus is fast and silent. So silent that it took a little getting used to. Don't obsess about the brand just get what meets your needs and budget.</p>

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