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How sharp became your 50 1.2L AFTER the calibration?


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<p>If the lens is working OK calibration won't improve sharpness. If the lens doesn't focus correctly or has a lens out of alignment and calibration fixes the problem, then yes, sharpness will improve. </p>

<p>If you are concerned about your images, post an example picture. Perhaps the issue is not your lens.</p>

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<p>I mainly use my 50 1.2L wide open to F2.8, so the only thing sharply in focus is a razor thin slice of the subject. So for those few millimeters of useable DOF it's friggen kickass deadly sharp. The other 90% of the image is a pleasant mozaic of bokeh--the main reason I bought this lens.</p>

<p>If you want everything in the picture sharp, you'll need to stop down to F16 and use hyperfocal distance. Not what anyone buys this lens for, but it can be done.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>Calibration deals with focus accuracy when coupled with a given EOS body - not sharpness per se, which is a function of the resolving power, contrast and other lens design qualities.<br>

Such lenses are usually purchased to do low light work within the 1.2-2.8 range as such the DOF is extremely narrow - that means you have be extremely precise in focusing the lens on the proper subject area since everything else will be oof.</p>

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<p>If you see a big difference between focusing manually and using auto focus, perhaps calibration will help. Use a precision focus screen or live view to verify.</p>

<p>My copy was dead on perfect straight from the factory.</p>

<p>In my travels, most of the problems people have with this lens are user error.</p>

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<p>I sent mine in twice. Once when I had a 30D, and the second I sent both the body and lens to make sure they are calibrated together as it was suggested by the canon service rep. I only noticed a minor difference, still not as sharp as the 50mm f1.4. When I got a 40D it had same image quality as with the 30D. But when I went FF with 5D and later 5dmkII, with the latter body combination being WOW tack sharp! and former very very sharp. I guess it makes sense to use an expensive lens with an expensive body, IDK.</p>
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