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<p>Time to upload just one image - your favorite - from this or last week. Make sure it is 700 pixels or less in width - AND - make sure to enter a caption in the caption box on that page where you've uploaded. Some details about the shot would be helpful By posting - you agree to allow your image to be chosen for discussion and critique for the week. One will be chosen at random. This is not a contest - but simply an image that we'll discuss. Positive as well as constructive suggestions are what will occur. HOWEVER - IF you wish to post your image but DO NOT WANT to be considered for critique - please say so in your caption. Images that show as a link will be deleted and you'll be asked to re-post. Newcomers and Pros are both welcome to post in this thread. The thread will be closed late on Tuesday. Look for the choice on Wednesday. Please do not start the critique in this thread ;-)</p>
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<p>The groom's grandfather's property provided some amazing photo opportunities. A retired general contractor, he had railroad tracks, a fountain, an army bunker, and this make-shift coal mine shack. I did some minor touch-ups on the skin, altered the curves and color slightly, and removed some distracting white plug outlets that were running up the sliver pipe on the right-hand side of the image (hopefully it's not too noticeable). Some image quality was lost was upon jpeg conversion. Critiques welcome.<br>


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<p>Again, I wouldn't call this my favorite but after shooting two weddings this weekend, I am posting between making back ups and a flurry of other activities. Thought I would post this one as one of my better split lighting shots. I can already tell you at least 3-things I should have done differently.... the split lighting isn't one of them- I wanted that! Details: D300, 105mm VR, @ f/4.5, 1/250th. SB900 on-camera commander/fill, SB800 bounced off wall about 15' to our right.</p>
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<p>i placed the couple in this general area and asked them to adore each other, make out, or whatever they wanted to do for a minute or two. made some nice kiss, almost kiss, hugs, laughs, and just adoring each other type shots. some shots had grass on their face depending on where they moved to. the ones that were worth keeping i was able to photoshop the grass out. details are: 40D, 70-200 2.8 IS @ 70mm, ISO 160, f3.5, 1/160sec, no flash, shot raw</p>
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<p>This was taken with the flash taken off the rack and held behind the couple at an angle. It took a couple tries but I got what I was looking for. I purposefully lit her up more than him. Then in photoshop I darkened the background some more and made it B&W.</p><div>00UF3c-166045584.JPG.9cdd96ebc8ff53cd881e7918752cf80d.JPG</div>
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<p>i placed the couple in this general area and asked them to adore each other, make out, or whatever they wanted to do for a minute or two. made some nice kiss, almost kiss, hugs, laughs, and just adoring each other type shots. some shots had grass on their face depending on where they moved to. the ones that were worth keeping i was able to photoshop the grass out. details are: 40D, 70-200 2.8 IS @ 70mm, ISO 160, f3.5, 1/160sec, no flash, shot raw</p><div>00UF3f-166045784.jpg.ee66fdb880d75ffeda6f1d20f792484a.jpg</div>
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<p>I took this image Sunday. There are a few I love, but this one stands out for me because they were walking to our next location and I saw the light, the trees and the framing nature was giving me and told them to kiss. She puckered up and I love the way it shows in the photo. I am not sure if she will like the cheek area, but I love it. Since I can only post one...geez that's hard lol...this would be it for this week.</p><div>00UFXz-166230284.jpg.424f0aebe532d358d663a4afe4a6fbc8.jpg</div>
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