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1DSMKIII "Busy" - Slow Write Speed -Normal with RAW?


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<p>Since I do mostly landscapes, products, architecture, I don't often have a need to shoot at any camera's maximum burst rate, but have recently experienced that the 1DsMark III cannot write - let me re-state that - will not shoot - three frames in a row when in RAW + LG Jpg mode. <br>

The first time I noticed this was at a baseball game. The camera was "busy" and it interrupted shooting. No flash, bright sunlight with a 300mm USM IS and a 2X Ext, lens wide open ( as open as it gets with the 2X). Can someone test this on their camera for me?<br>

I am using a LEXAR 8GB UDMA 300x CF card. I didn't think this would be an issue when I bought the camera with a 12 shot buffer. What's the point of 12 shots, if it stops firing after two? Gotta be a camera problem right? Or is it just the combo of RAW & LG jpg?<br>

Tim R.</p>


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<p>"12 shot buffer" is for ISO 100, JPEG quality 8, standard picture style. It also depends on the NR and other CF functions settings (for instance HTP, high ISO NR, etc.) It is all in the manual by the way...</p>
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<p>According to page 199 of the manual the max burst for a RAW+large JPG is 10 at ISO100 and says it varies depending on the image recording quality, subject, ISO, Picture Style, etc. When they say "varies" they mean "less".</p>

<p>And if you have ISO Safety Shift set or High ISO noise reduction turned on, the manual says the max burst will "greatly decrease". Pages 160 and 163.</p>


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<p>Uh, RAW+Jpeg on 1DsIII is huge files. Thats alot info to move in 1 sec. Thw RAW files produced are roughly 25MB at higher ISO(800 or so) and the jpg's are probably 8-10MB.</p>

<p>SO you are shooting roughly 35-40MB of files each frame. Then, if NR is on, it has to process even more. Thats alot of info. Thats why it freezes in burst mode. The very best memory cards will help with this, but even then, I think it only helps a little. Why shoot both for baseball anyway btw. Just shoot RAW, make the jpegs from that. I assume you use the JPGS for web posting and raws for printing. I never liked the out of camera jpegs anyway. So batch the RAWS to jpeg, then resize the jpgs and sharpen accordingly and post those. A little more work, but they look better and you dont fill the memory card so quick.</p>

<p>I usually use a program that batches my jpgs to 1280xwhatever to a folder. Then, those go to LR and all get synced to a sharpening of Strength 20 Radius 1.0 Detail 20 Mask 50. These sharpen up very nice. Then they process and an album is made. Very quick.</p>

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<p>Yep, it's all in the manual, couldn't find mine at the time I wrote the post, but appropriate to point it out I suppose. I'll admit that I use photo networking sites for quick answers. I run a full time studio, gallery and frame shop. Pretty busy even in this terrible economy (working harder to not sink further into the hole, same in your areas?) so reading the manual is sometimes not the best option. Not as bad as using MS Help, which can make you read for hours and still not find what you are looking for.<br>

To the issue: The problem was in fact a NR related issue. ISO didn't help, and the RAW vs RAW +Lg JPG, vs just raw or just jpg, didn't make a lick of difference, Two frames in RAW, two in JPG, with NR on at high ISO will be the best a 1DSMKIII will do without being "busy". But how often do you need that fast a write speed with NR and high ISO. Surprising, maybe, but when you read the things this body and the 5DMKII cameras can do, and then all the settings than can impair/reduce performance, it's not such a shocker after all. Anyway, it was a weird combo of settings, not a usual situation.<br>

I love my Canon's and hope I never have to part with them. Let's get this economic recovery in gear!</p>

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