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Gary Fong Pop-up Flash Diffuser


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<p>Hello Sanford. I bought one of these last year, and used it a few times. Not on professional jobs, but just casually. In my opinion, as an amatuer, it does a fair job of nicely diffusing the bright direct light from popup flash. I even removed the diffuser panel from its little attached frame, and attached the panel to vintage Minolta flashes, and even a Nikon SB800. It worked OK in that capacity too. Sorry, but I dont have samples to show you. (I'm away from home right now, cant get to them). This type unit is good for indoor pics where you want to take flash pics of people rather close, but you want a softer look on their faces. Hope this helps.</p>
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<p>I agree with Rich Simmons. For what it costs, it's worth it. I like having a built-in flash available for fill-flash, but the harshness has always been the problem. The Puffer helps a lot with this. In the spectrum of photography doodads, it's one of the cheaper ones. Definitely worth the ~$20 it'll cost you to get.</p>
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