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Droopy Bellows Syndrome, and More!

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<p>A blobby intrusion into my Polaroid prints gave me occasion to look at the bellows from the inside, and the fabric liner has indeed pooched out. Is there a fix for this, or should I just salvage the batteries and use another camera?</p>

<p>Also! Is there a better device than bobby pins for the pressure-flange workaround so you can use the Fuji filmpacks in a Polaroid folder? I find the bobby pins lose their strength after a while in the struggle with those mighty mighty flanges.</p>

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<p>The bellows in the Polaroids are glues together and the glue goes bad after 40 years of sitting folded up in a closet. You can carefully reglue the two halves together. Be careful to make sure you don't glue the inside bellows to the outside bellows as they are separate and should be able to move freely of each other. Elmers glue applied with a q-tip should work. Don't use any crazy glue, gorilla glue, modelling glue or anything else with solvents in it as you could melt some of the ancient plastics or permanent etch a fog onto your lens.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>Patrick, could you be more specific about what exactly we are glueing to what? It seems that the only thing that will fix the "pooching" is to glue the inside, loose, fabric bellows to the more stable outer bellows. What else can be done? And also, how do we get the bellows out to work on them? Thanks, Bob in Michigan.</p>
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