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<p>Hi All,<br>

I just saw a advert concerning a Hahnel HN D300 battery grip at about $150 which is quite cheaper that the the Nikon one.<br>

I wonder if it is value for money as I am keen in having the vertical grip for portraits.<br>


Beau Bassin, Mauritius</p>

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<p>I have used that grip for an older camera (i.e. not the D300, the D50) and it was fine. What I mean is that it does provide the balance element you're looking for in a grip and it does give you the vertical shutter release. But that's it. No access to any other controls. But otherwise, it's perfect.</p>

<p>However, check out if Targus has a grip for your camera, as I tried theirs on a D80 and it was MUCH better.</p>

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<p>I'm going to take a guess and say that the Hanhel D300 battery grip will give you access to other controls like the MB-D10. The only reason that the Hanhel grip for the D50 didn't give you access to the other controls is because it can't. The D50 was never meant to have a battery grip. The vertical shutter release was fired using IR.</p>
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Once you spend so much on D300 $249 shouldn't be such a big deal in you want battery grip.<br>

I bought 3rd party grip for my D80 and after a while it started acting up. the aperture wheel would skip and such.<br>

I would go for original grip it's made out of the same materials as the camera and you will never look back once you get the original stuff.<br>

just my .02</p>

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<p>Here in Australia a genuine MB-D10 costs well over Aus$400.00. Many D300 and D700 users buy the Phottix brand unit available from the well known auction site for around Aus$100.00 (US$80.00) delivered. It has all the functionality of the MB-D10 and comes with the adapter for the 8 x AA batteries so you can increase your fps rate.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Hi all,<br>

Thanks for the thread, quite informative I didn't realise that the original grip was mag alloy. I've used a vertical grip on my D200, and would highly recommend it - for stability, balance and even protection. My D200 dropped from about 4 feet onto hard paving and survived thanks to the grip! Now that I've got the D300 I'm looking for a grip for that. Does anybody know whether these 3rd party grips can take the EN-EL4 batteries?<br>


Dublin, Republic of Ireland</p>

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