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Shopping for 6x7 Negative Carriers


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<p>Hi. So I find myself in the presence of an all-new complete darkroom setup. However, I am standing around like chump because I cannot find a 6x7 negative carrier for a Beseler 67.<br>

Adorama? Backorder. B&H? Backorder. Calumet? Backorder. Amazon? No. Ebay? No.<br>

Can anyone suggest alternative retailers (or sell me one)?<br>

Can I devise something out of tin foil and a popsicle stick maybe?<br>


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<p>Thanks for the info.<br>

I found freestyle photo online and got the last one they had in stock. They mentioned supplies of darkroom stuff are running thin because schools are ordering for the upcoming semester. You would think for the obscene profit margins on neg carriers they would have mountains of them stockpiled for suckers like me.<br>

Jim, I came across that ebay item earlier. It is a 2x2" side carrier. I've never seen a 2X2" slide!<br>

Bob, B&H says they're back ordered for 7 to 14 days. On the phone, Calumet said 3 to 4 weeks. Sheesh!<br>

I tried the number for Beseler but they were closed. Apparently they sell direct. I wonder if they have any? When I saw Beseler's craptastic website complete with spelling errors, I wondered if I had made a big mistake buying their enlarger.<br>

In other news, I went to visit my dad today and he gave me a 6X6 carrier that he's had laying around for 20 years. Thanks dad! A free 6x6 takes the sting off a full price 6x7.<br>



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<p>Mike -<br>

Am I wrong or is the listing for 2 carriers? ... reading the listing ...</p>

<p align="center">"Beseler 67C Negative Carriers</p>

<p align="center">1- #6742 6x7cm</p>

<p align="center">1-#6746 2" Slide</p>

<p align="center">Both still in original packaging."</p>

<p align="center"><br /> </p>

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<p>I made a glass 6x7 carrier for my Besseler. Plain picture frame glass, 2 squares. Masked off the 6x7 area on one of the pieces then spray painted Krylon ultra flat black till it was light proofed. Peel off the mask, clean the edges with a razor. Using electrical tape, I put a piece accross the width of the painted glass, along the upper border n lower border, wide enough to allow the negative strip to lay between em. The thickness of the tape keeps the glass form squashing the neg to the glass, but tight enough to keep the neg flat, no newton rings to contend with.</p>
The more you say, the less people listen.
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<p>Whatever you make them out of, be sure and check for light leaks. A piece of blackout cloth -- or a dark-colored T-shirt -- or even strips of cut file folder, folded in half, etc., etc. -- can plug lots of leaks.</p>

<p>Tell you're dad he's a great guy. Take him out for a beer; he gave, didn't sell, it to you!</p>

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<p>"Tell you're dad he's a great guy. Take him out for a beer; he gave, didn't sell, it to you!"<br>

I'll second that, you know its' funny that recently people who have gone digital have given recently given me a bunch of film stuff, tanks, reels, and gels. Hooray for digital! Buy your dad a couple, I'd say.</p>

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