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Inquiry Rate - What's Normal?


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<p>I found myself this month with a great amount of inquires (12 in a month), and came to wondering what is normal in terms of new inquires from potential clients? Perhaps my 12 is nothing to gush about, I'm not sure!<br>


Before you jump the gun and proclaim "inquires mean nothing, bookings are what matter!", I realize this to be true, but want to know about the average enquiry rate per month. I think this is something people may feel comfortable discussing, however actual bookings are a tad too personal for a public forum.<br>


Or perhaps, what's the most you've ever received in a month? I account my increase due to a higher ranking in google (first page when searching "ottawa wedding photographer"), and more aggressive marketing on a few different websites.</p>

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<p>It varies for us. January is huge. Actually, we start getting a lot of inquiries in December, then January explodes. Usually carries over into February and starts to taper-off in March. But that's our booking season. We do our business in Southwestern Ohio. The most in a month? I have no idea. I'd have to ask my admin person. This past January? Probably averaged 10-15 inquires per day, be it by phone or e-mail. Some even by snail-mail.</p>

<p>Bookings are obviously different. There are only so many Saturdays (or Fridays or Sundays) in a year. But, it's safe to say we have 80% of our year booked by the end of January. The rest is made-up of the oddball end-of-the-year/spur-of-the-moment kinds of weddings.</p>

<p>I will tell you this: November is a slooooooooow month in these parts. <crickets chirping> It's kind of a no man's land of weddings; no one getting married and no one booking. Thank goodness for Holiday Card Family Portrait Parties!</p>

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<p>Mr. Brown you seem to have great advertising techniques to get that many inquiries per day? Would you mind teaching us some of those techniques to get ourselves out there and heard. I know that when you're a good photographer people will just swarm to you, but advertising has a good amount to do with it as well. Thanks.</p>
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