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Extra SN etched on M 28mm f/2.8?


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<p>In Australia for a long time the police and insurance companies advised owners to etch or engrave their car driver's licence number on to their valuable items. The theory was that in the event of theft or other loss, it would be easier to re-unite item and owner. I have an ebay bought A 70-210mm F4 zoom that has this extra number, but not done as professionally as this. Accidentally I am sure, the extra engraved number did not appear in any of the photos of the lens on ebay. Would have affected how I much I bid. Which is probably why the practice seems to be out of fashion now, makes it harder to sell stuff.</p>

<p><br />This number is obviously not done by an amateur with an engraving pen, perhaps it is an asset number attached by the organisation that owned it? I know some government departments that were very keen on branding everything they owned over a certain value.</p>

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<p>Didn't knew that, interesting to know!</p>

<p>This lens came from Greece, and here also they managed to hide the number on ebay-photos...<br>

At another forum someone suggested that is was done in the factory, ft meaning 'Factory Testing' but i can't find any sources to confirm it...</p>

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<p>I sold an LX camera that had the previous owner's name engraved on it. I made a photo that displayed it prominently and mentioned it in the auction text. I hate people who lie or purposefully hide information when selling an item.</p>

<p>As for the serial number on the lens, I doubt it has anything to do with Pentax and was likely added later on by the owner.</p>

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