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changing 5DII for 1D III does it make a sence in my case..?


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my friend has offered me an exchange for his 1D mark III (I currently have 5D II). I like the image quality of 5DII and the ff sensor, but then I´m shooting weddings, especially indoors, I always have to use the center af point in case of accuracy (the other non cross-type af points are much less accurate:( ). When I was buying 5DII I knew that , bud I didn´t know that it should be so significant:(. So now I am considerind whether or not to change it for the 1D III... I am also a litte bit afrait that my lenses (24L and 85L ) will lose the sence on aps-h sensor size:(. I don´t want the old 1DsII becaulse it hasn´t got the micro af adjustment which is for me important.. so the guestion is: stay by 5DII or change it for 1DIII.<br>

Can anybody post some images from these tho combos? : 1D III+ 24L, 1DIII + 85L I can´t find some good examples on internet... </p>

<p>Thank you</p>

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<p>I don't know about the 5DII but I have a 1DMKIII and a 5D(1st version). The 1DMKIII focuses much better - acuracy and speed. Additionally it has 19 cross sensors versus one for the 5D. The metering and flash metering is also better in the MKIII. I don't think the metering was changed in the 5D2 from the first model. You can spot meter off any of the 19 sensors while you can only spot meter off the center point in the 5D. I like having the ability to simultaneously record to two different media cards for wedding work - security for one-time events like weddings. The 5D2 has double the pixels which is good for large photos, but I've had no trouble printing exceptional 16x20's or the occasional 20x24 with my 1D3. </p>


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Better inquire why your friend is letting his MKIII go, MKIII's IQ is actually very close to 5DMKII if a bit worse at high ISO and lower resolution but it is currently the highest performance body that Canon makes and a dedicated Canon shooter will most likely not let it ago unless they have some issues with it or if it is pretty beat and at the end of its useful life. There has been issues with some MKIII models and despite many hw and sw fixes they do not perform up to the standard. Unless you are 100% sure about the condition of the camera, I would stay away from a used MKIII. A clean used MKIII with functional AF sells for more than a new 5DMKII so I am not sure why would someone do an even exchange with a used MKII.</p>

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I owned the Mark III and traded it for the 5dII - and I have not looked back. The 5dIi has better resolution and I am comfortable with it until about 2000asa. With the Mark III, I was comfortable until 1250asa. Also, the full frame is wonderful to work with - that crop factor for landscapes and portraits was a pain...One more thought to consider. Now if you were going to shoot birds in flight (and I have with both bodies) then that crop factor is important (good) in favor of the Mark III.<br>

Finally, the Mark III is big and heavy...and dropping in price.<br>


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<p>Unless you're doing sport or wildlife a lot, stick with the 5D Mark 2. A lot of wedding photographers apparently use it. If necessay focus with the centre point and reframe, or if on a tripod (same as I do for landscape), focus with the centre point, switch off the autofocus and reframe.</p>
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<p>I keep my 5D2 with me all the time and love it. I don't think your focusing problem is the camera. I would lean towards it being the lenses. For instance i tried a Canon 70-200 F2.8 on my camera and it focused way faster and better than my 85 1.2L I . The 24-70 F2.8 was ok but also not as fast as the 70-200. The 85 is very slow and hard to focus past F2.8. I can only get good focus with that lens if I focus manully, at night I use Live View and zoom in 10 or 100% to get good focus. But, I think for wedding the HD video will bring you more business than going backwards to a crop sensor lower resolution camera.</p>
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