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Looking to buy a P&S - but which one?

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<p>I thought I was looking for a Nikon Coolpix (P&S), but people are telling me I should be looking for a Canon - but which one?<br>

I would like it to be small (pocket size). I would also like to be able to take good quality pictures both out- and indoors. I already have a D40 so this is going to be a supplement to that.<br>

Thanks in advance for all advice.<br>


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<p>I have a Panasonic LX-3 which I love - but it isn't pocketable. I also have a Canon SD900, which is <em>very</em> pocketable. I miss RAW and manual controls on the SD900 (not to mention the Leica 2.0-2.8 lens), but otherwise it's a fantastic camera and would highly recommend it.</p>
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Dont buy what other people tell you. I shoot Nikon DSLR's but have a Canon G9 and Powershot SD950IS. I also have a Nikon P4. I buy what I like, what feels good to me, what I does what I want. I bought the 2 Canons because they were what I wanted at the time and what was available. I may choose something different if I were looking now.<br>

All the manufacturers make good stuff. They all building slightly different stuff. This gives you lots of choices.<br>

First decide how small you want the camera, how much zoom, do you want a rechargeable battery or AA, how big of an LCD, and the how much do you want to spend. Then go look at several of them and see what is easy for you to use.<br>

I like the my Canons but that doesnt mean I like all of them. My son has a A650IS and its LCD sucks. The G9 and G10 are nice but not really pocketable. I prefer my canons over my Nikon P4 only because I like their user interface better than the P4's. However, I have a 16x24 enlargement of Yankee Stadium taken with the P4 that looks great.<br>

Other than Canon and Nikon, you may want to look at the Olympus Tough series. They are water proof and drop proof. All metal body and slick colors.<br>

Hope all this helps<br>


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<p>THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER: It is the Canon G-10. It is top rated in Consumer Reports and, as a working journalist for more than 40 years, it is the best P&S I've ever used (next to the G9 which I traded to get the G-10.)<br>

And don't pay attention to people whose preference is based on "I like this, I like that, my friend has, etc." This forum is the place where you collect "information" and not subtle personal preferences like "color." If the G-10 was pink or purple or green it would still be the best camera, with the easiest to understand operating system, the best lens and the largest LCD Screen AND 14 megapixels.<br>

Ask the question a different way, such as "What's the best P&S, the Canon G-10 or the Leica D-LUX4 at twice the price. I have BOTH and if anybody wants a great price on the Leica--$300 off list--just contact me. The G-10 is by far the better P&S. [And I have the Nikon D-3, D-200, a Leica M8.2, Leica M7, and three Hasselblads.] The G-10 I carry everywhere and recommend it to all who inquire. Remember this camera started years ago as the G-2 and has been modified and developed into the best P&S ever made. Period.</p>

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Of current P&S models, the Fuji F200EXR takes the best indoor pictures. Redeye removal works well and the sensor has a special mode for low-light conditions.


The Nikon P6000 is compatible with Nikon flash, but is not really pocket size. The Canon SD880 is sold as the IXUS 870 in Europe.

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<p>You might also consider looking at some Panasonic Lumix cameras - they have many different models and they consistently score very high in DP Review's group tests. In fact, of three or four group tests, the Lumix cameras were the top rated cameras in at least two of the tests.</p>
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