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Photographing Wildlife in Texas


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<p> I travel all the time and was wondering where the best places to shoot wildlife would be...in Texas, that is. I want to go somewhere that I can capture a lot of wildlife in a week or so. I know where to go for different birds and things like that but I want to capture as many species at one time as possible. Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone been in search of the same thing? I would really like to capture them in their true environment and not on a wildlife ranch or something of that nature.</p>
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<p>It is a tough time of year right now in Texas with the heat and drought conditions across most of the state. The shorelines and beaches can be very productive (try South or North Padre Island) as can coastal marshes (brazoria NWR, san bernard NWR, aransas NWR). If you are willing to bear the heat, the Big Bend area and the Valley (Brownsville, harlingen, etc...) are very productive with many exotic (at least to the rest of North America) species in residence. The Hill Country can also be productive. I was just at South Llano River State Park and had no trouble coming up with 20-30 different species. Good luck</p>
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<p>It depends on the wildlife you are after, Deer and such would be the Hill Country although they will be anywhere in the state, I shoot a variety of wildlife at Brazos Bend State park, just have to watch out for the gators as you will be in their habitat, they are usually not aggressive unless you get close to their nest or startle them.<br>

Steve Walker</p>

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