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worst and best weddings conditions ever...


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Something different to talk about, so I' thought I'd bring up the topic of the worst and best wedding conditions you've

had to deal with.


I have 2 bad ones since 1987. My father died, had to shoot a wedding the following day. The second was

photographing in 110 degrees with the flu along with a fever. Thought I wouldn't make it to either of those.


The best wedding was getting a $500 tip from the father of the groom. It was at a place where each dinner plate

costs $175.

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<p>I'm sorry about your father, Bob. How awful.<br>

Worst situation: haven't really had one yet, honestly. I think I'm too new. I would say shooting in a room with black walls and ceilings and no windows wasn't much fun though.<br>

Best Sitauation: Probably last night, honestly. The groom came up to me and said "You are an AWESOME photographer. My wife and I want to start our own business and we want it to be just what you're doing". I thought that was such an amazing compliment.</p>

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<p>That's a tough one; so many to choose from.</p>

<p>When I was a gopher for another photog back in the early 80's, he set me up with a second camera in the balcony of this huge, old Catholic church. And it was a full mass...400-450 people. The ceremony went on for over 2 hours...close to 2 and a half. He had us wearing these horrible tan and brown tuxedos, it was the middle of July and it was probably about 120 degree in the balcony.</p>

<p>Another gopher I was working with went during the ceremony to Wendy's and got food for us and we ate in the balcony. Well, food and heat don't mix and I ended-up nearly fainting...fell backwards into the wall and stabbed my back on a nail. By then, I had taken off my tux jacket and was able to put it back on to hide the huge blood stain on my back. I felt like death warmed-over.</p>

<p>Now the heat doesn't bother me.</p>

<p>Good ones? Most of them are good. I did one a couple days after Christmas last year and the Bride's Father gave me a $250 tip. That was a happy time.</p>

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<p>Worst: Shooting a wedding where the bride and her estranged mother got in an argument and a fist fight broke out. Shooting another very small wedding inside of a very small chapel with the temperature outside being 114 and the AC not able to cool the place at all. The poor B&G were sweating something awful. Shooting one where after 5 minutes the groom announces he is done with taking pictures. Or being given a shot list with 60 or 75 family/friends shots that they want done between the ceremony and the reception, and having the cater blame me for taking so long. B&G wanted every shot. Fortunately the whole thing was all in the same spot, so we had to have a couple of people go and hunt down the next person(s) while we worked with the ones that we had at the moment.<br>

Best: Booked a wedding over the phone only, never actually got to meet the couple before hand. When we got to his parents house where the wedding was in the back yard over looking a beautiful valley, we were treated like we were long lost family. Any wedding where we the B&G decide to shoot all of the pictures before hand, like the one we shot yesterday. The B&G had us start 2 hours before the wedding, allowing us to take 95% of the wedding party shots. </p>

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<p>Worst was a lakeside, sunset, wedding. Bride was running late, I was losing the light. I complained to groom and family. Call comes in on grooms cell phone while I am in the middle of complaining. Bride was killed in a car crash on the way to the wedding. I quietly slithered away as I felt lower than dirt. Yes, I did refund their money. Photographed two more weddings for the family.</p>

<p>Best was doing a wedding in a small dumpy chapel. Just before ceremony started clouds parted and the sun was shining through this large stained glass window behind the alter. Found out later grooms father was a vice president of Kodak and he was impressed with the images. This was back in the film days so no checking exposure and such until the images returned from the lab.</p>

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<p>Never had to deal with anything really bad (yet).</p>

<p>My worst, or at least most frustrating experience was some time ago when starting to use digital. I shot a whole wedding at 400iso before remembering that I could change iso on the fly.</p>

<p>My best experience so far was at a wedding where they had to move indoors, then at the last minute, the rain stopped, sun popped out and we all went outside where it was planned to be. That was a happy time for everyone as it was held in a beautiful valley in the mountains.</p>

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<p>Rain can be a pain in the ass.<br>

Raymond, that was very sad for the whole party out there I imagine with that accident.<br /> My friend recently passed away, motorbike crash so I hate that and I dont wanna see anyone passing away in 20 years at least. <br>

I like the Kodak story.<br>

SO far, so good, shooting 2 weddings coming up these 2 weekends and Im looking forward. Tips are welcome, but not in this part of the world :(</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The WORST wedding I have done thus far was the second time I assisted another photographer.<br>

It was like 90 degrees out and it was a farm wedding. The bride decided to get married like 2 miles away up this HUGE hill under a tree. So I had to carry this 40lb bag through the mud up a hill. Then there were bees swarming around this tree in the hot sun and "Cow pies" everywhere you stepped. At the reception in the farm house the bees were swarming around the cider and there was no water to drink. The food was "potluck" and everyone brought some. I found the most disgusting hair in my broccoli and almost threw up. There were pigs and cows all walking around randomly. We got so dehydrated, the photographer I worked with asked me to run out and get drinks for both of us. I wound up getting lost because there was only 1 store in like a 30 mile radius in upstate NY. I loved the photographer I worked with so much! But the wedding was one I'll never forget lol...</p>

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<p>Worst wedding:</p>

<p>A couple of years ago I helped out a friend as an assistant. I'm normally the main photographer, but I really wanted to do a wedding in the town that this wedding was going to be held, so I assisted. I'm really glad I was only the assistant that day...</p>

<p>In the morning I woke up and felt a little under the weather. Bit of a sore throat etc, thought I had a bit of a cold coming on. Drove 40 minutes to the venue and we started photographing. Photographed bride getting ready, the venue etc, then did the ceremony. I was still feeling fine.</p>

<p>We started photographing the group shots and I started feeling funny - a bit weak and sick. After about 20 mins I realised I was swaying a bit and the room started to spin. I chucked my camera on the nearest seat and excused myself, I knew I was gonna pass out. I tried to make it to the toilet - which was upstairs, I was swaying all the way and had to crawl up the stairs. Got to the toilet, threw up and collapsed on the floor.</p>

<p>I was so Ill I had to get my partner to drive the 40mins to the wedding venue with his brother, so he could drive me home in my car. I was ill for 3 weeks with horrendous flu, couldn't get out of bed at all - never had it before. I have my flu jabs every year now!</p>

<p>Best Weddings:</p>

<p>I've had loads of them. I love the ones where everyone is really happy and just has great fun. I've been really lucky to get some wonderful couples who've made my work a joy.</p>

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<p>My fiance/business partner will disagree with me because he loved doing this event, but my worst experience to date was a destination wedding we did in the Virgin Islands a few years back. The travel there was hell. We flew from San Diego to Houston. The people at the Houston airport were suprisingly rude and hard to deal with. Then the plane we were waiting on to fly from Houston to San Juan, Puerto Rico was delayed coming in by two hours. So by the time we got to Puerto Rico, we had missed the final flight of the night to St. Thomas by 20 minutes. So we had to get our bags, find a hotel and stay the night in Puerto Rico, which was disgustingly hot and humid and miserable, only to wake up at six the next morning in order to go back to the airport, go through all the security stuff again, and catch the first flight to St. Thomas. So we finally arrived, a day late. But we had a day to ourselves to relax and enjoy the island. That was great! Totally made the trip there worthwhile! So the following day we drove around with the couple, photographing their experiences on the island. I had to sit in the back of a bumpy jeep with no cover for a few hours, so I got a bad sunburn. It was work, it wasn't bad, but it was still work. So then the next day was the wedding and it ended up being the hottest, muggiest day of the year. As if our own suffering weren't enough, the poor bride and groom were sweating buckets out on the sand as they said their vows. Then the heat made it almost unbearable to tolerate any formal portraits, so we did the best we could with the cooperation we got, but still came away with less than we'd hoped for. Then the next day we had to fly back sunburned and exhausted. The short flight from St. Thomas to San Juan was actually nice. But when we landed in San Juan and went to change planes, we got all kinds of hell from the customs guy because we were traveling without passports. We'd been told when booking our flights that passports weren't necessary for the US Virgin Islands. And they're not! But they are required if you connect in San Juan, as I was very angrily told by the customs guy. Luckily, I'd thought ahead to pack our birth certificates, which was the only reason customs let us through. But the customs guy was scolding and threatening us all the way through security (where we endured a very thorough search of our bags, camera gear, and our persons). So then after all that, my fiance/business partner misplaces his bording pass. He finally found it in the trash can (he'd accidentally thrown it away with his soda). So we got into a big argument about it, then we had to fly to Houston with a rambunctious child sitting next to us. Then when landed in Houston. We boarded our next plane to San Diego and got all strapped in. The plane started to go, but then had to turn back because there was water leaking from the plane! So we had to sit for an extra hour and twenty minutes while they investigated the source of the leak! And of course the air in the plane was stifling. It ended up being nothing so we finally took off. Then we finally got into San Diego, it took forever to get our bags, and another hour to drive home. Then I had to edit all the images which were all overly hot due to the blazing sun!</p>

<p>Man, I hated that trip! If you ask my fiance, he'll tell you it was the greatest trip ever. The couple was great, tthough. They've become lifetime clients and we've photographed all kinds of events for them. That made the trip worth while for me.</p>

<p>Luckily we have many, many, many great experiences to counter that trip. We've flown for other destination events without a hitch. Hawaii is hands down the best! Close to home and no passport worries!</p>

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<p>Bob, I know what you went through to some degree. My Father suddenly became terminally and aggressively ill, so it is now just a matter of when, not if. I am booked solid with weddings through October and am terrified about letting a client down at the last minute. I have scrambled like crazy to get back-ups, but most everyone else is booked on my potential dates.</p>

<p>It's a nightmare.</p>

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<p>Hmmmm, worst one wasn't necessarily about me but the bride and groom. Someone tried to steal the wedding cards. Two cousins of the groom noticed and chased the guy down, broke his jaw, and threw him through a plate glass window. Maybe it was HIS worst wedding!<br>

One other time, the sister/bridesmaid didn't want to ride in the limo with her father's girlfriend to the reception, so she decided to walk the 17 blocks. I think it took her about an hour and it's the first and only time I ever heard a member of the wedding party get boo'd when introduced.<br>

Best one- the bride and groom had lots of memories in a local beach town where they had their wedding. We spent an hour and a half shooting in different locations- eating pizza, on the beach, the grandstand, near quaint shops, etc. This couple knew what they wanted and planned accordingly.</p>

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<p>My worst wedding experience was last year right about this time 1 day before the wedding day I got a face paralysis and I had to cancel it!!!!!!!!<br>

Best one, this past weekend, the groom's mother came up to me during the wedding and told me that the engagement photos came out beautiful and she could not even believe it was her son.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>My FIRST wedding was the worst wedding one year ago. The mother of the bride was helping her daughter get on the wedding dress when she discovered a scar on her wrist from an attempted suicide only 3 months prior to the wedding. The mother and 6 of the bride's sisters began sobbing and everyone was yelling. They all wanted to call off the wedding, but the bride and groom demanded that they would get married any way despite what the rest of the family and friends had requested (to call off the wedding until the bride was emotionally stable.) I had absolutely NO idea what to do except to set down my camera (obviously) and began hugging the mother and sisters. No one was there (except the emotionally devastated family) to help calm things down, so I had to become the family counselor. I had no idea when I committed to photographing a wedding that I would also be providing counseling services that day. <br /> It was the worst situation ever, because the family of the bride were personal friends of mine, yet I was committed to the B & G to cover the photography for their day. It was the saddest wedding I have ever been to and photographing the ceremony was devastating, because the family was crying during the ceremony due to earlier events of the day and yet the rest of the wedding guests hadn't a clue what had taken place and that the wedding was nearly called off just 1 hr before the wedding.</p>
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