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need help with found film/ iso?/color or b&w?/


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<p>That looks very much like a roll of film that I found in a prewar Super Ikonta - it was black & white, I don't know the ISO but I developed it as if it was Tri-X and came out with some photos that had been taken in Russia in the early 1960s. You can see one of them here:</p>

<p><a href=" found film - ikonta from russia

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<p>It's definitely Russian film - HA4ALO or nachalo just means "start". I can't make out the number there. The next picture specifies how many frames for each format - 8 - 6X9, 12 - 6X6, 16 - 6X4.5. I don't see any more distinguishing marks or indications what it is.</p>
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<p>I can't answer the main question (B+W or color) ... the film seems to be a 120 rollfilm.</p>

<p>The word seems to be cyrillic and would be "nacado" or "nacalo" (transliterated) ... but google doesn't seem to bring up anything filmrelated with this.</p>

<p>The number (on the first image) could be a "90" ... if its cyrillic on the film, the sensitivity would be measured in gost ... 90 gost is 100 iso.</p>

<p>The number on the second image are easy ... on a 120 film, there are 8 exposures of size 6cm x 9cm or 12 exposures of size 6cm x 6cm or 16 exposures of size 4.5cm x 6cm.</p>

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<p>"as if it was tri-x" means 10 minutes in D-76 or equivalent generic black & white developer. The developer I actually use is the Ilford liquid concentrate, but that's a matter of convenience, it behaves very much like Kodak D-76, which is kind of the standard B&W developer in this part of the world.</p>

<p>Do they still make D-76?</p>

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<p>This is 120 film. photo number 2 shows how many exposures you will get with particular cameras. 8/6x9 is eight exposures in a 6x9 camera 12/6x6 twelve in a 6x6 camera, etc. That is definately the cryllic alphabet in pic no. 1. It means start?</p>
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<p>"?film? 125 exposed<br>

Black white<br>

?candle? (maybe a technical photographic term)"<br>

That's what I make of it, if that's any use/not too late. I wouldn't swear to the translation -- I've guessed where I think the letters are different, but look similar to the ones you've typed -- but there you go.</p>

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