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Pentax K7 Examples


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<p>So I went to the camera store today to buy a new bag, and walked out with the new K7. I went straight to a coffee shop and plugged in the battery for about an hour, then went to a photo session. I attached my Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 and shot everything in AV mode. I left the metering on full matrix, and had the ISO at auto but moved to 400. It was a cloudy day, so this helped with the pictures. I shot all these pictures in JPG with auto white balance.<br>

I upgraded from the K200d, so this is a big jump. I can't say I notice a big difference in quality of the pictures, but I did notice that it takes pictures a lot faster. I can't wait to try it tomorrow night at a wedding and see how it does in dark light. I'm not that great at writing a lot, so I will let my pictures do the talking. Here is a album of my pictures. There are unedited for everyone to see the quality of the K7.<br>

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/MissionPhotography/PentaxK7Examples">Pentax K7 Examples Album</a></p><div>00Tu0v-153347584.jpg.a86911d31bc8b51f103238969928c56c.jpg</div>

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<p>I take back my comment that the photo quality is not much better...this camera is AWESOME. I wouldn't dare take this pictures with my k200d because she would be dark and the backgroud would be blown out. This picture was taken in open sunlight with the light behind her. There was no flash used. The mettering is much better. That is the main reason I wanted to upgrade...I'm glad I did.</p><div>00Tu1R-153353584.jpg.e40bfaf33a7b892a1c6937053a454197.jpg</div>
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<p>To me the second two colour shots look a bit over-exposed but pretty good. The third one might've needed spot metering? Also on the first one I think the editing has added too much contrast maybe, and the colour tone looks a bit out. The original looks good for colour tone though.</p>
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<p>now I know why I bought my camera bag online this week :) No temptation. I have the K20D, and I don't know, from what I have heard so far, doesn't seem like it's on top of my wish list. Not like the difference between the k10d and k20d. Maybe I am missing something?<br>

(Of course, I do have to go to the camera store tomorrow morning.....umm, wonder if they have it in stock........probably not, they aren't big on Pentax.)</p>

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