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rotating backs


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You bought the one made to be used South of the equator. If you had

gotten the right one this wouldn't be a problem. Sell it to an Aussie

or someone in South America and they will bless you and your

posterity for generations to come. The southern hemisphere rotating

backs are quite rare.

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Oh oh - okay - if you really are serious - and I can see you actually

could be...

the image on the focus screen will always be upside down - it's one

of the joys of Large Format - learning to read the picture upside

down. The rotating back just allows you to go from horizontal to

vertical format easily and quickly (and also make minor adjustemnts

to the horizon line without fiddling with the tripod/head.).




If you weren't serious - I just about blew coffee out of my nose

reading the post!

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Larry, just rotating the back woun't do -- you have to rotate the whole camera - i.e put

your camera on the ground, then attach the tripod to the camera so that the legs form an

upside-down pyramid faceing straight towards the sky. This works best with very very

expensive and over-built cameras.




PS - of course, this technique works only in the southern hemisphere




Please let the group know how your test with this technique worked - i'm certain that this

will be very entertaining..




thank you for your contribution to the moral of all of us in these hard times and God bless





Hagai Kaufman

Tel Aviv

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SLR cameras have a prism that makes the image appear right side up.

The image projected directly on the film or groundglass appears upside

down and reversed. Some LF camera systems offer reflex viewers that

will make it appear right side up.




For that matter, the image on your retina is upside down and reversed,

but the brain figures it all out.

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Sorry people,




I am afraid I offended some people with my joke. Quite frankly I wanted some humor in my life, and this question

popped into my head and I figured, why not. There has to be some fellow large format photographers out

there that would just a kick out of this question. We now life in a societly that is full of hate, anger, mistrust,

and fear. I never lived that way before and I will not continue to life my life that way. So humor is the best way

for me to deal with it. Thanks for the humorus responses, I really enjoyed them.

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