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Shutter replacement cost for Canon 30D

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<p>It seems like I need to change the whole shutter assembly of my three-year old 30D. A camera shop said that it would cost USD280 at minimum, including the order of the parts and labor cost. Considering the current value of 30D, I wonder if it's worthwhile to fix it? Has anyone recently replace the shutter of 30D for cheeper price? </p>
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<p>I found this place through another forum, thinking I'd replace the shutter on my 20D. It is quoted at $170. I didn't do it yet because it isn't the shutter that is my problem.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.mcvr.com/canon_eos_d_series.htm">http://www.mcvr.com/canon_eos_d_series.htm</a></p>

<p>You should repair the 30D if you like it, and wasn't thinking of upgrading soon anyway. I will be repairing my 20D because I like it, and it will be my second back up camera.</p>

<p>BTW, Atsuko is my middle name.</p>

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<p>My 30D gave the dreaded err99. I knew it was the shutter after 3 years of heavy use.<br>

I took it to my local shop to send it Canon for me (the owner actually is a real camera repairman) after they confirmed my diagnosis. With their handling charges it cost me $210.00. I also got rid of those nasty dust spots on the sensor.<br>

Now I have essentially a be\rand new 30D for $210. Not bad.</p>

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