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Pentax AF with Sigma's 30F1.4?


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<p>Will Sigma's 30F1.4 fast prime autofocus with Pentax dslrs? Pentax seems the only one (recent exception--Nikon) releasing APS primes, but the absence of a fast normal (30-35mm at less than $400) ultimately stopped me from going Pentax. I went Nikon because of their new 35F1.8 DX, but I still like Pentax overall--70F2.4, etc.</p>
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<p>Well - I don't understand your question, and the bad grammar isn't helping.... so this is what I'm translating.....<br>

Is it made in a Pentax mount? Is it an autofocus lens? Then YES, it will AF on a Pentax - which would be a given.</p>

<p>To go into available primes, the 35mm f2.0, which is technically discontinued, we bought WELL after the "discontinued" date for $300. This 35mm is one of the sharpest lenses ever made by Pentax. And that was bought new. There's a gagillion lenses out on ebay, autofocus or not, available - and many of them well under $400.</p>

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<p>As far as I know, the Sigma 30/1.4 uses the in-body motor for AF, and this is what it <a href="http://sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses_all_details.asp?id=3300&navigator=6">currently says on their website</a> , but Sigma has tended to be rather erratic about how well they explain the differences between mounts on their site so it's possible that this has changed. Given the <$400 criterion, I'd have to recommend Pentax FA35/2 (or its samsung-badged cousin) which is a great performer, even wide open.</p>
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<p>Bill, that's odd - really odd - in the UK it's only about £250 in the few places that stock it. I guess Samsung are even less together than Pentax!</p>

<p>I've seen one used NOT SELL for £100 - I really kicked myself for forgetting to bid on that one! If you find it on fleabay, not a lot of people know what it really is and they can come in real bargins.</p>

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<p>The 30mm Sigma f1.4 is screw-drive AF, not SDM. Funnily enough though I've noticed on a number of forums Nikon users asking for the availability of non-SDM versions of Sigma lenses because they found the SDM motor too slow. Anyway, I've got a Siggy 30mm f1.4 and it is excellent quality. I've compared side by side with a 31mm pentax f1.8 and decided I liked the Sigma better. Less purple fringing (hardly any wide open), faster, and actually a bit sharper wide open too (even at f1.4 compared to 1.8).</p>
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<p>Yes there are cheap 35mm Pentax lenses... and they are sharp as hell...<br>

About the sigma 30mm/f1,4 it s a bad bad lens. Really soft edges even when stopped down. The middle is sharp, but this is a wide lens, meaning you want it for landscape photography and such, so you want sharpness on its entire frame.<br>

The comparison to the 31 limited and the verdict that the first one is better is just a joke...</p>

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