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Technique to shoot Multiple Exposures

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<p>I want to try to blend multiple exposures using HDR software. It seems so easy to get the input images: set camera on tripod, set +/- 2 stop bracketing and shoot 3 shots. In practice, there are many questions:<br>

First, what if 3 shots do not cover exposure range and I need , say, 5 images. My Canon 30D can shoot 3 frames in sequence, not 5. Also, lets say the dynamic range is 6 stops, but my camera only covers the range of 4 stops: from +2 to -2. Is there a way to do it with 30D? I am sure people have figured some ways to work around these limitations. Thanks for your advice</p>


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<p>Yep, use M mode and set the camera to bracket. It will bracket the shutter speeds. So you can set the camera for f/8 @ 1/30th and bracketting turned on. When you shoot it will shoot the bracket over and under that you've specified. Then you can change the shutter speed to shoot 1/200th and it will bracket those three shots again.</p>

<p>In theory you could shoot as many stops as you'd like, even third stop increments and 6 stops between the top and bottom.</p>

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<p>OK, thanks for suggestion. But how do you know initial shutter speed? Do you actually start from SS suggested by the camera metering? I have concrete example - Antelope Canyon. Would it be correct to set Aperture priority with somewhat like f/16 and then take a suggested Shutter speed as a base.? Thanks</p>


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there's a lot of different ways to do it. a hand held meter might save you some time.


I usually meter the scene and make adjustments based on what I see after checking the historgram and image on the back of the camera. . .


start with the proper ISO, and aperture, whatever that might be, and make adjustments to the shutter speed.


as for your concrete example, i would shoot that in manual mode, just like was suggested in the previous two posts. . .

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