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The One (Wedding Image) That Got Away


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<p>Do you show once-in-a-lifetime shots even if they're not technically correct...specifically in regards to blur/focus issues?</p>



<p>You're there to capture "moments" ... it's a keeper. Don't over-think it.</p>

<p>The family will smile and enjoy.</p>

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<p>Honestly, when I looked at the picture initially, I had no reaction. But after reading the story behind it, I thought that this was the cutest thing and the technical issue (sharpness etc.) were almost irrevelant after that. Keeping in mind I am in the initial stages of becoming a "real photographer" and am still going through the pixel-peeping stage, I would even then say, THIS IS A KEEPER. Most of people that would see this picture would probably overlook the technical issues (which is not much to start with). Only if there was a way you could tell the story behind the picture to anyone that will see the picture because in my opinion, knowing the circumstance around the picture what really makes this picture.</p>
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<p>Oh, I agree 100%. I over-thought it.</p>

<p>Had a wedding today and I happily approached it with a new sense of appreciation for the moments. You'd be amazed at what you can see when you're not looking at your camera all the time.</p>

<p>It was very refreshing and I had a blast.</p>

<p>This has been a good thread for me. After 26 years in this biz, I'm still learning and evolving.</p>

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<p>I had over 1800 shots for a Mardi Gras Ball and in the snapshots section there were some slightly blurry shots and also some photos where my flash didn't go off but I uploaded them anyway and I sold several of them! The clients didn't seem to mind the slight imperfections. I think this is a great looking photo and if it were my child, I'd probably buy it.</p>
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