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<p>I'm looking for software that will allow me to create a slideshow and which also allows me to chose how long each image stays on the screen, fade between images and add music.</p>

<p>I can do all this in Windows Moview Maker of course, but it limits me to 640 x 480 images (or at least it downsizes larger images to that size). I want to be able to chose my image size and to maintain my image quality. If Movie Maker could do this, it would be perfect, but it doesn't.</p>

<p>I also have the Pinnacle video editor which allows me to do pretty much what Moview maker can do, but again limits image size (and quality).</p>

<p>I might be able to do it in Powerpoint, but it's clumsy and generates large files.</p>

<p>Any other suggestions. Obviously I'd prefer freeware if possible. Any Open Source projects along these lines?</p>

<p>I'm basically looking for something that allows me to drag and drop images and audio files onto a timeline.</p>

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<p>I would also recommend the Pro Show Gold for slideshows. It has a trial version so you can take it for a spin to see if it works for you before you have to buy it. It is simple enough to get started with that you can just select a bunch of images and some music to accompany them and go yet complex enough that it will allow you to do more advanced slideshows when you feel like taking things up a notch.</p>
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<p>Hi Bob,<br>

I am also interested in the subject and try to use older version Pinnacle. You did not specify if you want the show playing back from computer, DVD or HD/Blu-ray player. DVD will limit the the resolution to 720x480 in NTSC world, but you will be able to have nice menu. If playback from hard drive is OK, one can create the show in HD 1920x1080i in Pinnacle with all transitions, pan & zoom, voice-over etc. As far as I know, one can create HD DVD content even on standard DVD with Pinnacle starting from version 10 and play it back on now discontinued HD DVD players. I do hope others will provide more info on the subject.</p>

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<p>I just tried out at least 3-6 different slide show software packages such as Muvee Reveal and I think Magix PhotoStory.</p>

<p>The easiest to use and quickly produce a DVD with menus was Pro Show Gold. The other packages either would not do want I wanted or I could not figure out how to do with the software which is the same result. Some packages where just very cumbersome and not easy to use. It might do what I wanted but it was convoluted.</p>

<p>What did I want to do?<br>

- Import my TIFF/JPGs into the photo software.<br>

- Set the photos to music<br>

- Put a title/contact info on the first and last slide.<br>

- Create menus on the DVD to play at least four different slide shows<br>

- DONT crop my photos. :)</p>

<p>I dont think my list is very demanding. But some of the software sure made it seems so. :)</p>

<p>I finally demoed Photo Show Gold. Within 30-60 minutes of having it running it was burning a DVD the almost the way I wanted. It took a second try to stop it from croping my photos. Bought it ASAP. :)</p>

<p>For me its much easier to use than the other products I tried. Download the trial software, all of the companies I looked at allowed trials, and see what you like. Start with Photo Show Gold. You might not waste any more time. :)</p>



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