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Canon FD Lens on a Panasonic G1 (micro 4/3)


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<p>I have been doing this for a while with the jinfinance adaptor. Some lenses work really well - usually the most expensive ones. Some show quite a bit of CA - usually the cheap FD lenses. With all of them you have to be aware of the potential to have the sun out of the shot but still in the lenses angle of view (remember you only see the center of the lens due to the crop). A bright light near the edge of the frame destroys contrast as I beleive it refelcts from the sensor onto the rear lens element and back onto the sensor (remember there is no anti reflective coating on the rear element of an FD lens). All this is to say that they work much better than the standard G1 lens. With some lenses shooting handheld can be impossible at very wide angles - the 85 F1.2 at F1.2 is an example because the DOF is effectively that of a 170 F1.2 and thus impossibly small. The lenses I like on the G1 are 24 F2, 35F2, 50 F1.4, 85 F1.2, 100 macro (really works well with rails and a tripod), 135 F2, 80-200 F4L and 300 F2.8</p>
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<p>I've not yet tried any FD lenses but have really enjoyed the experience (metal lens! aperture ring!) using some OM and Konica glass.</p>

<p>Can highly recommend giving it a go - the focusing works perfectly and you only need to use the magnifying focus effect if you are trying to focus at small apertures.</p>

<p>In terms of results, any way to get old fashioned characterful results (as opposed to the uniform effect of modern lenses) gets a thumbs up from me.</p>

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<p>This is better --- a Canon FD lens on a camera body that has Image Stabalization (IS) such as the E-3. The G1 fails in that area of functionality... no IS for 3rd party analog lenses.</p>

<p>I've used my older OM lenses on the E-3 with no problems. I had considered the G1, but it's lack of an internal IS, left me without doubt in not getting this type of camera.</p>


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<p>yes, Ken, the IS on the newer digital E bodies (that have the function) is amazing!<br>

I never would have thought 30 years ago when shooting the old Zuikos that fast forward ahead to some sort of image stabilization would be happening and on..a digital format. What is next? maybe Olympus can follow Contax's way of making old manual lenses autofocus with a shifting focusing plane back?? <br>

Maybe I should just buy the newer lenses....</p>

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