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Need Input on Website


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<p>I recently posted my website, and I just wanted to get some professionals input on what I could do to make my site more compelling. I do everything from product, to portraits to weddings, so please let me know if you see any gaps worth filling. If you have any suggestions as to how to make my images more compelling, I am also interested in hearing that. I know this post is somewhat vague, but any input really would help me out a lot.<br>

the site is <a href="http://www.jasonwynnphotography.com">www.jasonwynnphotography.com</a> thanks!</p>

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<p>great website! short loading time, easy to navigate, the right colors, contacting you is easy. everything great. there is still space in the navigation bar as i can see, you could add some brief information about your person, experience etc.</p>

<p>love the site though, one of the better!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>What they said, Jason. A nice, cleanly designed, uncluttered presentation.<br /> <br /> Many photo sites have a bio/artist statement page, and another page covering service offerings/terms of service. I know you have seen 'em, and you probably have decided to leave them out. But that leaves "talk to me" as the potential customer's only choice for more information. Do you need a bit more on that page besides a phone # and an e-mail address? (I know. If you put one thing on that page, you almost have to put a half dozen.)<br /> <br /> <br /> I don't get "snap shot studio" at all. I see several innovative and fun group shots. The tactic throughout the site is to let the pictures talk, and I can't figure out what these are telling me.<br /> <br /> Among your portraits, I would not have included the portrait of the woman in the black dress, with the strong shadows. (…to the left of the lady in red.), and the "Prom Queen 1993" shot. (Oh. They are numbered. Make that page 19 and page 8.)<br>


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<p>I'd have to agree with what's been said so far. It's a nice clean site, fast load times, great photos!</p>

<p>I'm also confused by the "snap shot studio". I'm assuming it's a small studio space you set up at events where guests can come and have fun posing for the camera, but it would help if you described it, especially if you're trying to sell that service.</p>

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