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Results from my new kit- Noctilux and Summiron 35/2 Asph Images

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Well, when I am not changing my gear around, studying

marketing and kissing my baby (fiance), I try to get out and take

some images. Here is my first batch of shots from my new

Summicron 35/2 (T) Asph and Noctilux. Boy can that Noctilux

perform! Maybe not quite as good as my old 35/1.4 Asph, but the

signature is quite obvious.


Like Emile (hope that's right) said, "it will change the way you

shoot". I now have a lot more conidence in my shooting ability at

lower light levels. The extra stop does come in handy! My Noct

also has a very light and smooth focus, so it handles quite well,

and it is a bit smaller than the E60 versions, especially without

the hood attached. Of course, the Summicron is just a slower

version of my old Summilux. Images look the same >great!







A drumer seeking attention and a few extra dollars- of course I

paid up. Summicon 35/2 Asph at f/4







A child on display for a young couple and me in a Hudsons

coffee shop window. Summicron 35/2 Asph at f/2, 1/15 sec








A man in a hat waiting for nothing. Noctilux at f/1







Shadown man. Noctilux at f/1







Woman trying to keep her reaching child under control. Noctilux

at f/1







Mystery man lingering around Melbourne.. Noctilux at f/1, 1/15

sec handheld with a little camera shake.

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Hi Kristian Dowling,


Please make a photo e-book out of your pictures. Encode it into pdf. They are lovely and mysterious with offbeat composition. I like the abstract street photography you're working at. Reminds me of the early Ralph Gibson a lot. More pictures definitely! I am a convinced fan! :)



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I liked the young couple and baby, and also shadow man especially well. Nice, interesting images Kristian. Keep up the work, and post more! I still haven't gotten a scanner, maybe you've inspired me to order one today from B&H. And darn it, maybe I'll add that noctilux to my wish list. : )
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Thanks for the kind comments guys. This is a new style for me and I like it. It feels natural. I didn't go out looking to be craetive, just go out and capture interesting moments with people.


I used Fuji Sensia II 100 ISO film rated at EI 100. Light leves were extremly low, and the extra stop was imperative, whereas the Summilux wouldn't have stoped the subject movement, especially with the mystery man. All shots were taken in a span of 1 hour yesterday evening. I am glad you liked my shots.



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Nice work, every picture is interesting. I especially like candid photgraphy. The expressions on the faces of the couple with the small child are perfect. The 'mystery man' looks like he's just been shot in the head (no need for a model release there). ;-)

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"Yes" Igor, the Noctilux makes you a better photographer.....but a

smarter photographer won't believe what i just said! :-0


The Noct is fantastic, and may not be for everybody, but this one I

will never sell.......look for my next "FS" post....hehe.


James, at least we still have the same girlfriend......and i am

sorry i abandoned my ex Summilux 35/1.4 Asph, but at the time it

was imperative that I do so. Now it is tim for you to step up to the

Noct. The powers of the Noct are calling for you..."the force is

strong in this one".


Ralph, Igor, James...."The Noct is your destiny"


"Just do it!"



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Ahhh the force...surrounds us! Well, my gf may be gone, dunno about that matter, she's in Hawaii until this weekend. Maybe when she's back we'll work through our differences *shrug*. Either that, or intro me to any other cute Aussie girls you know mate, preferably ones that'll lend themselves as fine subjects in nude photography! haha. Hmn, I will have to take the idea of a noct into more consideration based up your Jedi master wielding of it. Mahalo...
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Yes I am being serious, I am after all a Leica user. Well...we'll see how it goes, don't think she's marriage material now though lol! Hook me up Kristian baby! Bring on those tall, lanky good lookin' Aussie girls! Woooo!


PS: she didn't mind the Leica M, that's a prereq for being my woman. : )

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After reading your post Erlina says, "Why don't you guys just

marry your Emmy (what I call my M6), and have a happy life?!!!!"


You boys and your toys! Don't worry James, come to Melbourne,

we'll have a ball. You can photograph along side Mike Dixon

(assuming he comes) at my wedding >> and get together with

one of the lovely brides maides, considering you aren't too

wrapped up in your Emmy!

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Ahhh...hmn, I wonder about the strains of love for Leica, perhaps make women folk jealous. Seriously though, the two are not related for me. She liked to argue all the time, and some was justified, but we are all works in progress. Patience, I guess she'll learn that in due time after she's gone through enough toads after this prince *grin*. Well...time will tell, I have a hunch she will be back, but for now alas I give it time. Or, Australia here I come, when's your wedding? ; )
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