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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #26


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<p>mikhail, nice one. looking at both pics, i think what is interesting is the seeming juxtaposition of a old streetcar in a more modern setting. to me, it hints at the dichotomy of tradition vs. technology, and whether updating something is any improvement.</p>

<p>upon further reflection, even more interesting is the fact we both shot the same streetcar--#1055--which may not be named "desire," but does evoke a certain romanticism. this particular car must have quite a history, to appear twice in the same WeDnEsDaY thread. hmm, do streetcars have personalities? #1055 appears to.</p>

<p>@everybody else: pretty amazing, as usual. really inspiring work from so many people, and as always, the range, the variation, the tonality, the colors, the bokeh... magnifico!</p>

<p>if i had to pick just one shot which "did it" for me this week, it would be randy d.'s...really great work.</p>

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<p>A little late to the game today. Blame work...<br>

Really like Ton's pic today, I an almost see the models turning to watch the passer-by.<br>

My shot is from the weekend. Took my kid to the creek for father's day watching the turtles, fish and insects.</p>


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<p >Hi everybody!</p>

<p >This thread gets better every week. Some of my favs so far:</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3937630">Ton Mestrom</a>, a classic! </p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4034258">Hamish Gray</a>, I love everything (maybe except the crop on the left side) about your picture. Great use of your new lens!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4752314">Pedro Cardoso</a>, love your colorful door!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4897997">Aaron Bonnici</a>, a highly successful experiment with curves...</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2343783">Mike O'Day</a>, great composition of „Balance“.</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3854064">Bogdan Nicolescu</a>, great atmospheric scene - would love to know what kind of film they were shooting...</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=1872771">Kemal Riza</a>, nice catch!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2355248">Bruce Margolis</a>, somehow de Cervantes „Don Quixote“ crosses my mind - thanks!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4656259">Nina Myers</a>, I'm intrigued every week by the way you work with colors. Wow!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5127498">Leo Laksi</a>, a really cool shot! </p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=295604">Michael S.</a>l, great shot - I'm always to slow to capture such scenes...</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=1243267">Susan Wolfe</a>, what a lovely portrait - it's nice to see such a „simple“ picture - just a boy (love the band-aid on his knees :-) with his toy. Great!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4301051">paul sooHoo</a>, great shot! Somehow the nestbox looks perfectly „natural“ to me.</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2208863">Dariusz Lachowski</a>, please don't get me wrong, but I think it's a cool picture of a hot-blooded woman. Wow!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2400856">Randy Dawson</a>, a stunning picture in every aspect! Composition is great.</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5174457">Walter Ryan</a>, great use of your new lens!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5091214">Mike Metcalfe</a>, my personal pick of this thread! Priceless expression on her face - pure drama due to slow sync. I can imagine this picture on a billboard - advertising some kind of a freshening new product... </p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=981397">Richard Borovoy</a>, I'm playing with motion-blur and long exposures lately and absolutely love your picture. Great!</p>

<p > - <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5174403">Darren Shipley</a>, great composition and nice use of HDR!</p>

<p > </p>

<p >My contribution this week is the result of a hastily done experiment with the subjects curves. I saw the poppies and their funny looking twisted stems and decides to snap a picture or two. I've used an old Ai 105/4 at 5.6. Handheld, 1/320sec. at ISO 800.</p>

<p > </p>

<p >georg</p>


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<p>This is my first post to Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC series, I'm so glad. Many thanks to Dear Jose for starting this thread that I saw many wonderful, enviable posts of friends. <br /> Best Regards,<br /> Ertugrul<br>

Apertue Priority, ExposureBiasValue : - 0.67</p>

<p><strong>RESTING ROOFS</strong></p><div>00TkfO-147867584.jpg.76e9f3f997008f67a63da84865dcf4c6.jpg</div>

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<p>First time posting in the Wed thread, but have been looking at all the GREAT photos in the last few weeks. Everyone does such a superb job! I'll contribute my first dusk/tripod shot ever, so other newbies like me won't feel so intimidated. Shot with D40, Nikkor35mm f/1.8G DX lens and tripod (ISO 800):<br>

<img src="http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg205/Maggie-Noah/DSC_0051.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<h1 ><br /></h1>

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<p>Funeral Saturday, put the casket in the hearse and when they went to start it the battery was dead.<br>

Everyone found it quite funny as the deceased was the guy who hooked up all the lights for several local fire departments. His parents thought this was him playing a joke.</p>


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<p>@Georg: Film was Ilford Pan F Plus ISO 50, the pic is pretty soft as I shot it hand held. Scanned with Nikon Super Coolscan 9000ED. I remember it was a cold windy winter evening and those guys were actually shooting a summer scene, not very funny for the actors...<br>

@All: I'd like to say that with my pretty limited photo experience I feel that I am not in the position to comment or critique somebody's else work but surely I admire them all... Warm Regards to all WedNEsDAy people, Bogdan</p>

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<p>mmm, mmm, mmm. Tremendous work. Diversity at a new level this week. Jose, Dr. Frankenstein has created a beautiful and powerful monster. So many favorites although Nina's piece for Neda grabs my heart. I am submitting a project that has taken about 3 wednesdays to complete. I know that there isn't a lot of heavy manipulation on this thread, but I offer this piece that is composed of 7 images...2 different nikons. My d300 and d70. "Becoming Crow"...part of a series.</p><div>00TkhE-147883584.jpg.644497c84c3e6db393eeb3355f0454f9.jpg</div>
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<p>The spaceman cometh!!<br>

Actually it is a "Bunny Suit" ; this was a promo giveaway from long ago.<br>

Playing around with two flashes, colored gels, soft boxes, etc. <br>

D60 with VR 105 F/2.8G; 1/60s F/4 ISO100<br>

Using SB-900 w/mini soft box as commander, SB-800 with colored gels and snoot.</p><div>00Tklv-147921584.jpg.edc199a78bb2fd4601de61700e2edf37.jpg</div>

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<p>Again I am late, and I send my apologies... its a worry how this pesky thing called work gets in the way of photography.</p>

<p>This week is the best Wednesday pic thread by far in my opinion, simply amazing. And though I often feel guilty for missing anyone out in my 'shout-outs' I'll do so anyway with my favourites, and with thanks for making me think carefully about why those images really stand out to me. Jose, Rene, Dieter, Ton, Pedro, Aaron, Darko, Robert, Matt, Dariusz, Randy, Walter, Richard, Georg - thankyou.</p>

<p>But 3 particular mentions even on top of those amazing works. Ilkka - such beauty and delicacy and balance in your image, I'm not a landscape guy really but your work just stopped me in my tracks. Tiffany - wonderful, beautiful, dark twisted vision, well executed and a different work to the 'normal' on this thread. And most of all Nina - you know I am an admirer of your work already, this one has all your usual brilliant quality plus such power and sorrow and topicality. I am not ashamed to say it made my eyes leak.</p>

<p>Coming way down from those highs, after promising not to bore you with any more of my little studies here I am posting another. I've had little time to shoot this week but have played around at bit in NX2, and maybe in tribute to the controlled bokeh aspect to Jose's starting image here is my contribution... </p><div>00Tkly-147921784.jpg.3a6c996237d7a6e9d9b9188ac469277d.jpg</div>

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<p>Pedro - love the door<br>

Aaron - great abstract of that tunnel<br>

Kent - awesome composite<br>

Waldemar - neat black and white of that bug. I have to try that some time<br>

Walter - quite sensuous!<br>

Darren - the human tripod. Cool HDR!<br>

My photograph was taken this weekend at a local preserve. This picture sort of reminds me of one of those Faberge hand-painted enamel jewelry pieces. Shot handheld so there is a little blur. Fortunately not quite visible at this size.<br>

Nikon D200, Tamron 90mm f2.8 Adaptall-2 1/100s @ f5.6.</p><div>00TknA-147929584.jpg.6c1755680558a197bed4892fdfb4f3d2.jpg</div>

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<p>@ALL : Lot's of fantastic captures, great thread. I'll try to upload continuously.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4752314">Pedro Cardoso</a> : I wish I was there Pedro. Fantastic capture of old door in excellent clarity and sharpness, especially its colorful old textures... just splendid.<br>

<a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4897997">Aaron Bonnici</a> : Nice crop of repeated parts are adding great value to your well chosen B&W medium.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3854064">Bogdan Nicolescu</a> : Excellent capture of visitors in blurry movement. I liked cobblestoned alley and nice lights on white facade too.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4264174">Darko Vrsic</a> : So natural, great capture of expression on his face.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3186058">Robert Davies</a> : Enviable capture of transparent glasses under low light while white shakers are helping excellently.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=4656259">Nina Myers</a> : f/1.8 just perfect as same dark background and his body language in your skillful shallow focus.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=1782992">Dan Park</a> : Dan, I missed to order a D2Hs before it disappear. Splendid collage and clarity of photos even in their small size. Congratulations.<br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5174457">Walter Ryan</a> : Amazing effect of f/1.4 , I liked a lot. I completed many assigments only with this 50mm, f/1.4 lens. <br>

<a href="../photodb/user?user_id=628662">Tim Holte</a> : The contrasts between umbrella and dark shadowed parts are wonderful at front of white facade. Her attractive eyes are just priceless.<br>

All the best.<br>





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