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Mamiya 1000DTL and M42 lenses?

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<p>So, I've played with a Mamiya 1000DTL before, and really enjoyed it, and learning that it sports the M mount is a wonderful thing, but is it just that wonderful? Or are there some M-lenses it will not accept? It is an SLR, after all, and not a rangefinder, so I'd imagine there's got to be SOME lenses that just won't fit to the camera without wrecking the mirror and such.<br>

One lens I want to try shoot with it in particular is the Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5.<br /><a href="http://www.cameraquest.com/voigt_15m.htm">http://www.cameraquest.com/voigt_15m.htm</a><br />Otherwise, the Voigt 35mm f/1.4 in M-mount would be lovely, as well.<br>

Are my suspicions correct, or is this some sort of miracle camera that just loves all M42 lenses?<br>


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<p>You may be confusing the Pentax mount (M42 screwmount) and the Leica mount (M-bayonet).<br>

There is a boatload very good lenses available in M42 mount, but not from Leica. Unless there's an adapter somewhere. Or you know better and are trolling. This is the Internet and it's hard to tell.</p>

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<p>The Voigtlander 15mm f4.5 is not an M42 lens. It is a rangefinder lens intended for the Leica M mount. To use that lens you would need an M mount rangefinder such as any of the Leica M series, Voigtlander Bessa M series, Konica Hexar, or any other M mount rangefinder.<br>

There are loads of M42 mount lenses to choose from, however. A Tamron Adaptall 17mm f3.5 with M42 adapter is the widest that I think is available to fit this camera.</p>

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<p>Ohh. It appears as though that I am confusing M42 and M-Mount. All the reading I'd done of them on the net so far seemed to refer to them interchangably. But I guess I am mistaken.<br>

I guess I'll just pick up an R4M with my 15mm. :-P</p>

<p>Thanks for being polite about my ignorance!</p>

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<p>Interestingly, both 15 and 17mm SMC Takumar lenses were made for the M42 mount by Pentax, if you can find one. Pentax lenses in screwmount are beautifully made and very usable -- the Spotmatic F put food on the table for me.<br /> http://books.google.com/books?id=sY2neBqnpTwC&pg=PA140&lpg=PA140&dq=smct+15mm&source=bl&ots=3gzNR9YcwH&sig=umm9rOhdxiciIhenClARTZ-bC4Q&hl=en&ei=yrpBSqvcLpHUsgPTvvDuCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3</p>
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<p>Here's one <a href="http://m42.artlimited.net/site_lenses.php">compilation</a> of M42 lenses. There are lots of terrific options with M42, and with a $30 adapter from Pentax you can use them on bayonet (K mount) film bodies and digital SLRs. Avoid third-party adapters as most are improperly designed and will not allow focus to infinity.</p>
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<p>If you really want to play with those ultra-ultrawides, Cameraquest has the M39 Leica screw mount version of that same 15mm lens for $150 less than the M mount, and you can find dirt-cheap M39 bodies all over the place (mostly Zorkis, but as your budget goes up so do your choices) to use it on. And there's also a 12mm in M39 mount ... now that's a wide angle lens!</p>
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<p>I had a new 1000DTL in the sixties. I got it as an alternate to my pentax. It takes the same lenses but had dual metering. The meter broke right away. I had it fixed and it quickly broke again. I gave up after this and only used it with a hand held meter. The camera was heavier and clunkier than a Pentax, and I could not recommend it. It was one of my more foolish purchases.</p>
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<p>My brother and I used a 1000DTL for ten years to take action shots at motorcycle races, some of which were published. Nothing ever broke on the camera, but it was big and heavy, which was its only drawback. The only reason we ever stopped using it is that it was stolen from my brother at a race.</p>
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