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Jamaica Destination Wedding - Last Minute Tips?!

kristina hill

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<p>Hi Everyone,</p>

<p>I leave Sunday to shoot my first destination wedding in Jamaica (Grand Palladium Resort). I feel well prepared. Actually, surprisingly well prepared which is why I'm posting this.</p>

<p> I've done tons of research on photo.net and it's been so helpful - so thanks!</p>

<p>Just looking for any pointers/tips they wish someone would have mentioned to them before their first destination wedding? Especially from photographers who have travelled to Jamaica.</p>

<p>I'm also doing my first trash the dress... which I'm excited about, but slightly nervous for.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>



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<p>I did one destination in Jamaica last year, and it was great...I did check with coordinator first to make sure I am OK to shoot at the resort...because it was my concern being able to work there no trouble as a hired professional, not claim as couple's friend. We went there a day before to get everything settle down, and scout the location, etc.<br>

We also stayed couple days longer to explore the city (of course our expense), and it was an awesome experience.<br>


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<p>Bring a minimum of 3 of everything you need. If something goes down, it's nice to know that you still have a backup. Make sure that the electric power is the proper voltage. It may be in your hotel room, but not necessarily on an outside patio, etc.<br>

Bring extra batteries. They don't always function the same in areas with higher humidity.<br>

Have FUN!!!!! ...-Aimee</p>

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<p>Double check that your insurance covers your equipment while outside the US. And make sure you understand how to get the equipment back out of Jamaica. You don't want any customs hassles. I think you need a passport now to go there. Last time I was there you didn't need one.</p>


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I think he means you need to have documentation to show that your equipment is indeed your own and that you didn't buy it in Jamaica and are now seen as exporting it. I've travelled a bit, and some places can be funny like that. I doubt it will be an issue though. Leaving with my stuff has never been an issue. Usually it's when you're coming IN that you get some challenges. For example, here in Kenya when I fly out of the country with my gear I often have to get what they call a 'Re-importation Certificate' which lists all my equipment and serial numbers (and is stamped by our Revenue Authority) so when I fly back in, it's clear that the gear represents personal effects and not a new purchase that I'm bringing in from abroad.
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<p>I just wanted to update everyone as Jamaica has come and gone. It was really easy flying there and back. No one cared about my gear, how many batteries or camera bodies I had in my bag (flew with LOADS of AA batteries, two bodies and a point and shoot, several lenses, flashes, etc.). Leaving New York my bag got the usual 'swab testing', but other than that no one even double checked it.<br>

<br />To be safe, I brought my insurance documents listing serial numbers and copies of receipts.</p>

<p>The hardest part (for me) was the weather. Hot and humid with crazy sun. Though I knew this would be an issue, carrying my equipment (I was assistant-less) was probably the biggest challenge :) Drank lots of water and juice.</p>

<p>The best tip I got from photo.net was having something to clean the sweat off the bride and groom! I brought those rice paper oil removers and we went through a ton - great idea!</p>

<p>Thanks, as always, for the help. I just wanted to tie up this thread, incase someone referenced it at a later point!</p>

<p>Best,<br />Kristina </p>

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