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Help with second camera body.


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I have been using a Rebel 2000 for a while now and I find that I need

a second camera body so I can have b&w as well as color film ready

anytime. My question is should I get a second Rebel? I have read that

they are beginner cameras. If I get a different body is there one

that would allow me to use my current lens'? It seems crazy to me to

spend money on lens' all over again. Your advice is appreciated.

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The whole Canon 35mm AF camera line is compatible with your lenses; relax about that.


You might look at the Elan 7/7E - it is a better body than the Rebel. Look at Canon's web site for comparisons. Philip reviewed the Elan 7 here: http://www.photo.net/canon/elan-7


There is also a review of the Rebel 2000 at http://www.photo.net/canon/eos-300 which should let you compare.


Or look for a used Elan II/II-E.

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I think I would be ok with different controls. I really like my Rebel, in your opinion would I benifit from changing to another camera. The Rebel has just about everything the rest have(I think). I was thinking of switching because of the durability. I have had my Rebel for almost three years and had no trouble but I would like to have something that will last a long time.
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Any Canon camera that has autofocus, and certainly any Canon camera

sold new today, will accept all the same lenses as your Rebel 2000, with all functions working and no compatibility problems. Before autofocus, Canon did have a different lens mount, so if you buy a VERY old camera you should check that. It's easy to tell the difference between the two lens mounts by looking, or ask: yours

is called the "EF" mount, the old one is the "FD" mount.


Don't buy any non-Canon camera; none will accept your lenses. Someone will probably say I'm wrong if I don't mention that there are adapters that exist, but you don't really want to mess with that kind of solution.


I wouldn't worry too much about reliability unless you're traveling

far from civilization. The Rebel 2000 is reasonably reliable and

is so much cheaper than some of the other bodies that if it does

break, you can always just replace it. And if the resaon it broke was because you dropped it or dunked it in a river, you'll be glad it wasn't a more expensive body.


Whether to buy a second Rebel or a body higher up the line is

going to be a question of personal taste. Do you want the aperture

and shutter speed on two different dials? Do you want a switch

to control at any time whether you're in spotmeter, centerweighted

meter, or matrix meter mode? Do you need custom functions? Do

you need a true spotmeter? A 100% viewfinder? A bigger and

brighter viewfinder? Faster motor-drive for more frames per

second? A body that is more water-resistant? Would a bigger

body feel better in your hands? Do you think you need mirror



Are you willing to pay more and carry a bigger, heavier camera

in order to get these features?


Only you can decide, but the bottom line is that you'd be paying

for whizzy features, more control, and user-interface niceties.

The quality of the images won't change.


Oh, I should mention one other funny little detail. The Rebel

2000 pre-winds the film, then winds it back into the can, frame

by frame, as you shoot. Most other Canon bodies don't do that;

they wind it out of the can frame by frame as you shoot, then

rewind it all into the can at the end. Why should you care? Because

if you have a half-used roll of film and you want to remove it

from the camera, then put it back and use the rest later, you can normally put it back into a different Canon camera without worrying about it. If you have one camera body that pre-winds and one that re-winds, you'll want to avoid shooting half a roll in one and the other half of the same roll in the other. I've done it in a pinch, but it's a pain.

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Sam, Thanks for your imput. I am swinging towards another rebel just because of price and so far I have had only good luck with it. Even though it is classified as a beginner camera. Its the person who takes the photos not the camera so if I'm more comfortable with a rebel then maybe thats what I should stick with for a second body as well. Not to mention as you stated if It breaks I can afford to replace it.
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"Any Canon camera that has autofocus, and certainly any Canon camera sold new today, will accept all the same lenses as your Rebel 2000, with all functions working and no compatibility problems"<p>

Not strictly true. Canon T80 had both autofocus and FD mount. It is totally incompatible to any EOS system lenses.

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