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Yashica Electro Shutter Problem - Pad of Death?

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<p>Just recently bought a Yashica Electro 35 (black top, says "Professional" near bottom right).<br>

It is in very nice condition but the shutter is not firing - the lights for the meter work, so I do<br>

not think it it the battery - the shutter does not move at all. Could this be the POD or is<br>

this more serious than that?</p>

<p>Any opinions?</p>


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<p>Concure it's unlikely POD and likely stuck shutter blades.<br>

Common problem on many older rangefinders I've prepped, esp Konica Auto S2 and Minolta Himatic 9. In my limited experieince, with ebays they're 60-75% likely to be gummy and stuck.<br>


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<p>Yes that is where to start, I haven't been into a Yashica in a while so the procedure is not fresh in my mind but once you get the ring removed it should be pretty easy to figure out, I have done several, it's just been a while. At least the cds cell is above the lens so you wont have any wires to worry with. Once you figure out how to get the front lens element out you can use cotton swabs and lighter fluid to clean the blades. I prefer to use CRC QD Electrical Contact Cleaner, available at auto parts stores. You can spray a little down on the blades and then wipe off with cotton swabs, once you get the shutter where it will open then I would keep cocking and firing the shutter and cleaning it off each time until there is no residue left and it works every time, this is also a good time to clean the aperture blades, once you get the shutter working, put it on the bulb setting and lock the shutter open, then clean the aperture the same way as you did the shutter.</p>
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<p>David, are you referring to a spanner to remove the lens element? If so I have made one out of an old putty knife and just ground it to the shape desired with a dremel tool. I have also managed to get the thing loose with a very small screw driver in the slot but, be very careful not to scratch the lens. You don't need to go as far as Matt Denton's site shows, there is no need to remove the little brass retaining ring. If you can get the glass out you are there.</p>
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<p>A putty knife? That would be interesting to see. (if you have a picture).<br>

Did you make it to fit something like what you see I have in the picture below:<br>

I do not think there is a reason to remove that screw on the left, is there?</p>

<p> </p><div>00TgSf-145281584.jpg.9b3404ea85365c6125b2850544354969.jpg</div>

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<p>David, Here is a scan of something like what you need, this may not be the exact right one but should give you the idea. Have you tried using two screwdrivers to twist it loose. It shouldn't be all that tight, on the konicas I can just grip the edge with a small pair of pliers to break it loose then screw it out by hand. No I don't think there is any reason to take the screw on the left out.</p><div>00TgZW-145359584.jpg.c1d810461c96421ef549d7014c97cacc.jpg</div>
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<p>I think my GSN is having the same problem. Everything seems functioning except the shutter won't budge and remains in the same position as when I purchased the camera.</p>

<p>It seems like a relatively simple fix, but I don't have the skills; should this be an inexpensive job if done by a professiona repair person? Any insight?</p>

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<p>Where are all the Yashica experts out there? Alex if I had to venture a guess I would say easily $100+ including a CLA, but that's just a quess from quotes I have recieved about other cameras and work that I have had done in the past. I would check with Mark Hama for a quote, he is one of the best in the business when it comes to Yashica's. <a href="http://markhama.home.comcast.net/~markhama/">http://markhama.home.comcast.net/~markhama/</a></p>
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<p>Curtis and others,<br>

Everything is working now. I made a little jig to get the first ring off under the name plate which let loose the first lens. Then removed a second ring with the help of needle nose pliers which let loose the second group. Used lighter fluid and a cotton swab and all is as it should be.<br>

Thanks to all who replied.</p>


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<p>Great David, I'm glad it worked out, now if you ever need to you can do the same on a Konica Autos S2, Canonets, all the Yashica G, GS, GT, GSN, MG1, most fixed lens rangefinders are all quite similar and like I said some are even easier to get at the shutter than the Yashicas.</p>
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