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<p>I just been using a friends Z3200 Printer for about a year now and I am about to buy a high end printer for my studio. Never used any of the Canon printers but will like to know what do you think about Canon IPF6200. Whit the HP Z3200 I can do 44 inch for $3500, and Canon's only 24 inch for about the same price. I will look to see if Calumet has one to print out the same image I did on the HP today and match them up. Any ideals would be great. Just to let you know. I'm not interested in Epson printers. I sold the 7880 not for me or any of there larger printers. I have two friends own them and printed on them and I'll take the HP any time. Just me. But want to know about Canon larger format printer.<br>


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<p>Where can you get a z3200 for that price? </p>

<p>I've been looking a little bit as well, but have no experience with either. One of the sites I was looking at is www.luminous-landscape.com they have a printer forum. They seem to like the Epsons output the best, but there is no way I would buy one as even people who use them almost daily still have big clogging issues. I've seen good stuff said about the canons, but I've also heard its color gamute is a little smaller than the HP. However, do not know if that is noticable or even true.</p>

<p>How do you like the blues and reds from the z3200? I'm leaning a little towards the HP, as I have a DJ 130.</p>

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<p>Personally, I prefer the Canons to the HPs. They load from the front or the top instead of the back, they're very solidly built, pretty darn quiet, and they speed through prints.</p>

<p>Which isn't to say the HPs are bad; if you can get one that didn't fall off a truck for that price, go hog wild.</p>

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