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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC #25


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<p>My shutter speed was 1/1250 - I incorrectly stated it as 1/250 in the post. Nice catch - I knew something didn't seem right when I posted that.<br>

I also failed to indicate the focal length which was 200mm.</p>

<p>Thanks for the kind words!</p>

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<p>Moderator: It would be really cool if we could add short comments under each photo. It would be easier on the poster of the comment and we'd see the comment and photo together. Impossible?</p>


<p>While I have not seen the source code, as a software engineer myself, I would imagine that would involve major software changes to photo.net, and we need to identify which comment comes from which member; pretty soon we'll also need to capability to update our comments. You can suggest that to Josh Root via the Site Feedback Forum and see what he thinks. But critique and comments are best left to photo critiques on this site.</p>

<p>A "problem" we have now is that these Wednesday threads are becoming way too popular and way too long, although that is obviously a problem we like to have.</p>

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<p><strong>Congratulations to EVERYBODY!</strong> Really nice work...... Great Thread!<br>

<strong>First timers....</strong> Welcome! Enjoy the thread! <br>

<strong>Shun...</strong> Great to see you here for the fist time! Welcome to our humble playground!<br>

<strong>Thank you</strong> for the nice comments on my shot!</p>


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<p>Thank you, Dan!<br>

Thank you, Jay! <br />Yours in BW looks more dramatic I, too, love it. And the title is fittingly-timely funny :-) I am glad that I am not in that profession now. For a 1/10th of a second, I thought I might want to make it bw, but I decided against it as I wanted it to look more playfully artistic... All due and thanks to <em>THE</em> artist who actually put it up there!</p>

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<p>Just a quick list of my favourites:<br /> <br /> Ton, great guy, must have been at a concert or something somewhere<br /> Brian, good timing<br /> Lil, aaron, richard, nice birds, one free, one LOCKED_UP, what did it do wrong? being too beautiful?<br /> Chris, nice image, i can imagine what you mean with the colors, is always annoying when it doesn't look like it was in real life<br /> janne, matt, nice bike<br /> David, strange, but nice<br /> ken, nice art. i think there is this guy from germany that actually hangs up there himself in rigs on buildings, it looks a bit like that<br /> hamish, what a view<br /> pedro, did you turn gravity off?<br /> benjamin, susan, interesting sequence of shots the two of you have<br /> lester, great play with sharpness<br /> monika, nice 'old' look the picture has<br /> Don, very nice wedding picture<br /> Jeffrey, nice long exposure waterfall shot, it looks like the water falls from the trees<br /> gary, darren, great light<br /> jerry, i think that is the first 56 pixel high I've seen on the thread<br /> Don, uncanning<br /> michael, nice reflexion<br /> Dan, nice<br /> Steve, interesting animal<br /> <br /> Lil, Matthew, Dieter, thanks for the sweet remarks, dieter, I knew it must have been something like that<br /> <br /> See you all next week<br /></p>
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<p>Alex, Simon, Susan, Dan - thanks a bunch for mentioning my picture, truly appreciated. This thread is definitely one of the highlights of my weekly photo.net experience, and appreciation makes it all that much sweeter.</p>

<p>- Ton, you keep on finding awesome subjects, and portray them well. I love this shot.<br>

- Ian (Rance), keep on shooting film.....I enjoy all your film exploits (except maybe the film APS :-))<br>

- Janne - That came out great, despite being a candid shot, a great sight<br>

- Susan - That's funny, I would've wondered about the squat bird had you not told us :-)<br>

- Monika - I like the processing, and one's got'ta wonder about the back-story!<br>

- Dan (Park) - That moment is wonderful. I have the non-AIS 105 f/2.5 Nikkor-P lens, a year older than me, but need to get my Nikon F fixed again.<br>

- Doug - I like your dove shot, the unusual viewpoint and the contrasting colors in the OOF background are nice<br>

- Alex, the eyes are striking, and I like the inset even more<br>

- Khoa - Wonderfully moody<br>

- Colin - Great colors, my favorite flower macro of the week<br>

- Waldemar - Another great macro<br>

- Nick - I love the impact of the photo, well done<br>

- Jonathan - there's a potential for something stinking in your photo ;-)<br>

- Michael, That's an original shot of the bean if I ever saw one!<br>

- Dan - That's a classic with repeating arches. Gitzo did it's job looks like, at 4s.</p>

<p>Looking forward to next week's lot!</p>


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<p>Hi all... major apologies for this VERY late contribution but I have a good reason. My lovely fiance surprised me with a night away in Melbourne to go and see the Socceroos play Japan in a World Cup Qualifier, combined with some nice eating, shopping, wandering around etc (all things one can do wonderfully well in that city!). So I'm sorry but I can't prioritise being punctual Wednesday Pic above that!!</p>

<p>Anyway since I am so late I can give my shout-outs right away, and again these are ones that have really leapt out at me in what is a total field of real quality as always. Jose, Aaron, Lex, David, Jam, Monika, Khoa, Waldemar, Garry, and Barry - wonderful stuff (and the rest of you too of course).</p>

<p>Ok and now for my contribution, more of my little mission to capture 'local detail' near where I live.</p><div>00ThJN-145769584.jpg.f42e0becc48a7248a7a8745f462e764f.jpg</div>

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<p>Thanks all!<br /> yes the guy was photographed at a concert and no I don't know where and how he got that wound. I could take an educated guess but I think it's more your field of expertise Dick.</p>

<p><em>"Ton, your model inspired me so much that I'm going to buy new clothes right away!"</em> <br /> Hector that's nice but of course that means posting a selfportrait next week. This in fact is a nice bridge to my personal favourite of this week:</p>

<p>We register the world around us but hardly ever show something of ourselves in our work and yet, this week someone did excactly that in a well thought out way were a great sense of humour shines trough to boot. Selfportraits are difficult and challenging at best and while most greats did this regularly most of us don't like to do it ourselves. It's not just a photographers thing but even more a male thing it seems. Women are less inhibited in this respect. And yet there are more subtle ways, and I'm not talking about all those corny and boring shadow "portraits".<br /> The self portrait (of sorts) you present here is a allegory of sorts which not only the title "take off your day" but even more the photo itself illustrates nicely. Making fun of yourself while at the same time turning a cliche into an attractive and narrative photo is no small feat and you succeeded in just doing that. The seemingly smiling handbag is not there by accident but purposefully and deliberately put where it is as is the rest of your props. You've built a nice and appealing story here all the more so because to most married guys like myself it's so recognisable. To most men women will always stay an enigma of sorts. While fastidious and conscientous in most respects they can be very sloppy at times, as it's here. Good work Monika or should I say Gute Arbeit.</p>

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<p>Absolutely one of the best Wednesday pic-threads so far!<br>

Kris - I wonder that myself, how do they stop with those bikes. I should have run after the guy and take a photo of that... :) Your pic really makes me wanna get a true wide angle for myself, just sold my widest lens...<br>

Dan S - They should make a law that says you can only ride that kind of bike while wearing a top hat and a nice suit, I bet your Grandfather had more style. BTW I've always loved that kind of hallway-pics, great shot!<br>

Sjoerd - Thanks for the comment, your pic truly was the sweetest one in this thread. :)<br>

Shash - Thanks for the encouragement, I'm a bit uncertain with PP'ing, but maybe I'm getting better. :) Great shot of the reptile, I've been playing couple of hours with the exact same lens, great fun!<br>

Ton - Your portraits are great, I wish I had half of your eye and talent!<br>

And thanks to everyone else, it's been great again seeing all these great photos from all the corners of the earth. Wish I had more time to comment all of your pics, but we're having a family gathering celebrating the midsummer day and I had to sneak in to get into PN just for a moment. :) I just love these threads! See you next Wednesday!</p>


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<p>OK I'm finally back to post my comments. Better hurry as Shun may close the thread any time soon....<br>

First up - <strong>Shun</strong> welcome to posting in our Wednesday thread. Wonderful to see you join in.<br>

Secondly, thank you to <strong>Alex, Simon Richard, Dan & Sjoerd</strong> for commenting on my shot. <strong>Dan</strong> - Ibis is in the Eudocimus family & feed similarly to the Flamingos. Have no idea of they're related to the Dodo.<br>

As always I like a lot of the shots so here's my <strong>continued</strong> list....<br>

<strong>Per-Christian</strong> - - nice shot<br>

<strong>Matthew</strong> - Amazing sharpness out of the 500mm P<br>

<strong>Hector</strong> - love the whale tail<br>

<strong>Joseph</strong> - beautiful & honorable portrait of your mother.<br>

<strong>Chris</strong> - Neat catch<br>

<strong>Janne</strong> - super fun shot.<br>

<strong>Lex</strong> - Makes me think of a relaxing summer afternoon<br>

<strong>Dieter</strong> - love the focus on the eye of the GBH. Excellent use of dof.<br>

<strong>David</strong> - love the nightscape<br>

<strong>Elliot</strong> - boxing is not my cup of tea - but this really makes me feel the action.<br>

<strong>Ken</strong> - Neat shot<br>

<strong>Shun</strong> - Fisheye's are so much fun<br>

<strong>Dick</strong> - lovely GBH<br>

<strong>Hamish</strong> - wonderful landscape or should I call it a snowscape. ;-)<br>

<strong>Wayne</strong> - beautiful setting/location<br>

<strong>Dennis</strong> - what a catch - - poor dog. ;-)<br>

<strong>Robert</strong> - beautiful portrait<br>

<strong>Susan</strong> - fun shot<br>

<strong>Bruce</strong> - lovely scenic<br>

<strong>Ryan</strong> - love the shallow dof<br>

<strong>Tom</strong> - lovely landscape<br>

<strong>Doug</strong> - love the angle<br>

<strong>Alex</strong> - lovely portrait<br>

<strong>Khoa Ho</strong> - elegant<br>

<strong>Apurva</strong> - love the message<br>

<strong>Don</strong> - the bride just has to love that shot. If I was a bride I would.<br>

<strong>Jeffrey</strong> - lovely landscape<br>

<strong>Colin</strong> - beautiful<br>

<strong>Erik</strong> - now there's a great shot<br>

<strong>William</strong> - excellent<br>

<strong>Waldemar</strong> - Lovely shot<br>

<strong>Gary</strong> - Beautiful<br>

<strong>Adey</strong> - fun shot & angle<br>

<strong>Simon </strong> - lovely shot wide open.<br>

<strong>Glen</strong> - lovely landscape<br>

<strong>Ilkka</strong> - lovely shot for a wedding album<br>

<strong>Indranil</strong> - lovely HDR<br>

<strong>Shamsaldin</strong> - love the angle<br>

<strong>Keith</strong> - beautiful portrait<br>

<strong>Ian</strong> - sweet<br>

<strong>Jonathan</strong> - nice<br>

<strong>John</strong> - super portrait<br>

<strong>Michael</strong> - neat shot<br>

<strong>Dan</strong> -love the depth of this shot<br>

<strong>Jens</strong> - Just one of the sweetest portraits I've ever seen</p>

<p>Ah well that's it . ;-)</p>

<p>Lil :-)<br>



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