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How to store your equipments safe?


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Now I'm using a Canon 20D, everytimes after shooting I put it into the dry box. But my concern is:<br>

<strong>1. Should I remove the Len and Battery from the Body?</strong><br>

<strong>2. Do I need to recharge the battery fully after shooting?</strong><br>

I appriciate your answers!</p>

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<p>How long will the camera be sitting in the box?<br>

Two month or longer? ... than battery removal is not a bad idea. Just make sure you remove the backup battery as well (it would be empty if you don't). Drawback ... your camera will forget your custom settings.<br>

Shorter than two month? ... Forget about removing anything.</p>

<p>In old times (when there were only NiCd cells) you would ideally discharge your batteries and recharge them. Today with NiMh or Lion cells, this is no longer important. If you have only one battery, recharging might be a good idea, if you have more than one, just recharge it when needed. Ideally, Lions are recharged before they are discharged completely, but on the other side, battery replacement is quite cheap (if you don't by original cells).</p>

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<p>Dry box? Is it a dehumidified box? If so, and you live in a very humid place I might seperate the lens and body at some regular interval and level them seperate in the box. Same with the battery. May not be necessary, not sure, I live in a desert LOL.</p>
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<p>Yes, it's demumified box. I live in South East Asia country, tropical weather cause to high humidity!<br>

<strong>But could you explain why have to seperate the len and body? This is my most concern.</strong></p>

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<p>I just got done posting to "Humidity" but you can try this also. One tightly weave sock/ One 1 pound bag or white rice/ open rice bag and dump in sock/ tie knot in sock and place in bottom of camera container, done. After a while if you think there is too much humidity in the rice ( I don't think so ) you can safely dispose of it and get a new bag. Biodegradable, Biocompatible, Environmentally Friendly, can eat it, feed it to the birds and rats. If you are a Buddhist that might even be good karma.<br>

Word of warring, you should never pack your camera away longer the two days. Everyday you should try to take at least one picture, it is okay to throw the picture away but you should try something and to learn something from your trying.</p>

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