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What's your Lightroom workflow for managing different print sizes/B&W for each client (B&G/Mum/etc)?


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<p>I love Lightroom. The only <em>real </em> issue I find myself up against is managing each client's (B&G, Mum, etc) print requirements.<br>

Each party might want some in B&W, some in colour, and all could be in different sizes!<br>

How do you best manage this in Lightroom yourself?<br>



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<p>Hi John,<br>

I use Scott Kelby's <em>'</em><em>The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Photographers' </em>as my companion when using the workflow in Lightroom. </p>

<p>It may not be your cup-of-tea but he knows all these little tricks such as creating 'sets' within your photo files i.e. you have an ablum called 'Jenny & Bruce' and then you can create a 'set' collection within that folder for each client and complete their printing requirements within each individual set.</p>

<p>I hope I haven't confused you but it does work. Another way of explaining this is when you have your complete music list on iTunes and you can create individual playlists from that main list. However, if you delete music from the playlists it doesn't delete the tracks from the complete music list.</p>



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<p>I use that very useful feature called "smart collections". I simply add keywords (such as B&G, mother, father, etc) to the appropriate photos and then simply have LR collect those into the appropriate smart collections. That way I don't have to worry about moving images - I keep them all in one master collection (or collection set as a previous poster said) per client and their various demand sets I make using smart collections.</p>

<p>Try it, it's a life saviour...</p>

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<p>Marios, I like that Smart Collection approach of yours.<br>

Presumably you create Virtual Copies of certain master images and treat and/or crop them to suit each persons requirements and keyword them Mother, Father, etc.?<br>

I'll 'play' with your suggestion. Thanks.<br>



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<p>Not sure how you do your proofing - but after editing in LR send all the images out to proof online then they order online - then I size after the order is made - the lab I use can size in their ROES program which makes it really easy. If I need to crop it before hand - I use standard sizing when lableing - filename - 8x10 - I place the entire order in one folder then sort it at my office when they come in. I have each individual order online - it gives me a complete list for each person and then place the order. </p>
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