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Noctilux as Standard Lens

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<p>Hello, All,</p>

<p>Hey, I got a Noctilux E60 to use as my standard 50. Open shade portraits and the f/1.0 makes it a breeze with Reala or K64. I'm hooked on speed and would like to get a 21mm Summilux to back up my Nocti. I apologize if I sound pompose but its a whole different game w/ these fast lenses. Makes shooting K64 much more accessible.</p>

<p>I'm shooting f/1.4-1.0. Erwin says the lens improves as its stopped down. Ya, I know, shoot'it wide open. Any regular shooters of the Nocti in the house? Any tips?</p>

<p>Thanks -- Paul</p>

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<p>I regularly use mine as a standard lens, as I love the character. Contrary to what many say, it's great stopped down. The only issue I find it the size, weight and long focus throw, make handling not the pleasure it is with a Summicron, but the lens has a different look, and when that's what I'm after, I don't mind.</p>
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<p>I love my noctilux for low light photography especially the dampened long focus throw built into this lens but I use my summicron or summilux when I want a less painterly look. I think the noctilux is a fine all around lens, yes its heavy but if its the noct. look you want then You will find the will to use it. Its a great lens and one of the best reasons to shoot the m camera. </p>
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<p>I used one as a general purpose lens for a while, not that big/heavy when compared to the Nikon F2/50, 1.4 I used to use. I was great in Spain when moving from sunny 16 to dark church, museum, bar, etc. during our travels. It's fine stopped down to f11.</p>
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kinda heavy. and at f/1 it's difficult to keep that bugger in focus. and when yer focused on eye lashes, the nose and ears are out of focus. trippy, beautiful lens. Standard one? Not mine. Good grief, would be great for self defense, tho"!

Backups? We don’t need no stinking ba #.’  _ ,    J

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<p>All I can say is that whatever works for you is good. <br>

Today, I saw a Canon 7 with a 50/.095 for 79,000 yen. I remembered that I had used all my pennies for camera stuff for May and moved on. Anyway, in a month or so I'll have a Super Nokton 50/1.1 in my moist little hands. (I heard 100,000 yen cast on Monday at Motomachi Camera.) I suppose my is destined to get heavier and heavier. So I sympathize with your thoughts, guys.</p>

<p>I am skeptical of the 21/1.4. Wide open you get a lot of blurred background and a small focused image. I wouldn't go beyond f2.8.</p>

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<p>"I am skeptical of the 21/1.4. Wide open you get a lot of blurred background and a small focused image. I wouldn't go beyond f2.8."</p>

<p>Interesting perspective. Thanks...RE: 75mm -- My regular portrait lens is the 90 APO and Im quite happy with it. Dont like the dotted 75mm framelines. Anyway Im new with the Noctilux, we'll see what happens. People are really going to gravitate to the Super Noct I guess. The 50mm/1.2 Hexar didnt seem to make much of an impact on the Noctliux market and its a pretty good lens.</p>

<p>Nice snaps, Steve. Thanks all.</p>

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