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<p>this is driving me crazy...when I first download I use PS but sometimes to take a quick look and to do a trail crop (not saving) and quick zoom in, etc. I will view in microsoft office picture manager just because it is really quick. I will sometimes save a copy of a photo from there into another file for later editing. However, it has the time off by about 5 hours! My cameras are set right, my computer is set right and when I view in PS the time is correct. I cannot figure out why this happens and where a setting in MOPM might be.</p>

<p>I don't want to get into a thing about why I use this I just wonder if anyone can help me resolve this time problem.<br>


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<p>I am in Northeast and everything is set to EST with Daylight savings. The werid thing is that when I pull up the same pic in PSE the time is OK. I would think that Microsoft Viewer would go by the computer's time which is fine. I can't seem to find a setting in MV. </p>
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<p>yeah, good idea. I'll take some pics tomorrow and see if my neighbor has same problem. It must be with just that program since it is OK when I open them in photoshop and all my basic computer date and time are OK. Just an annoying thing when I go back and look at properties to see what time I took a pic. I do nature photos so it is important to know time of day. I caught it when I saw one at 5:30 a.m. and I KNEW I was not up that early! lol!</p>
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