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Mamiya Rz double release cable - some questions


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<p>I have some questions about the Mamiya double cable release for Rb/Rz/Rz II. Maybe someone will be able to help me:</p>



<li>Is the cable proprietary? Or can the branded Mamiya cable be replaced by any other brand (like the bellows double release cables)?</li>

<li>Is it just two standard cables with one trigger? Can I use two standard cables plugging them in separately?</li>

<li>Can it be used as single release if you unplug the mirror lockup cable and just leave the shutter release one plugged in?</li>

<li>How does the double release compare to electromagnetic release in terms of vibration? </li>


<p>Thanks in advance for all the help.</p>


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<p>1. It can be replaced by at least some other DCRs. I have used the Canon one for the FD Auto Bellows.</p>

<p>2. You can use two standard cables, or you can fire the mirror by hand, and the shutter with an ordinary single cable. The DCR poses no special advantage except maybe it's a little faster.</p>

<p>3. Yes.</p>

<p>4. No idea, but the electric release doesn't prefire the shutter.</p>

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<p>I personally thought that the double release cable was one of the dumbest products I've used. </p>

<p>If one is using mirror up operation then vibration upon the first action, flipping the mirror, is of no consequence. So why not just push the button with your finger, as it indeed turns into just a mirror up button when you have a cable screwed into the lens socket.</p>

<p>Then the single cable plugged into the lens socket is pushed to trip the shutter after a few seconds to let any mirror vibration die. Simple.</p>

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<p>Remember that when you remove the cable from the lens socket, the lens socket must unscrew, along with the cable, a portion of a turn so that it "unlocks" into the normal configuration of it (the silver button into which the cable screws) protruding fully. If not, the lens won't fire with the normal shutter button.</p>

<p>If this little silver button does not protrude after removing the cable release then screw the cable release back in and unscrew it again until it finally catches tightly enough to rotate the button counterclockwise and cause the button to protrude for normal operation. It's a little idiosyncrasy of this system. If you forget to do this, the next time you use the lens you'll wonder why it won't fire, until you remember that you last used it with a cable release. I once sold a lens to a guy and forgot to check this, he was sure the lens was bad until I remembered to tell him about this. He unlocked the button by screwing in and then removing a cable release, all was good after that. </p>

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