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Tokyo: 15 min worth of rangefinders in Asakusa

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<p>Today I went to a large festival in Asakusa and ended up taking the following pictures within 2 blocks and 15 minutes of each other. The greatest thing is, everyone was actively shooting what they had. I had to wait for the gentleman with the Nicca to finish taking his wife's portrait (she had the G1) before I could approach him. The girl with the canon was not much older than 20, and the guy with the Noctilux was able to show me some of his photos via his iPhone. What a great city. <br>

<a title="asakusa rangefinders by John Sypal, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/21347087@N02/3535905668/"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3041/3535905668_1dfac84014_b.jpg" alt="asakusa rangefinders" width="172" height="1024" /></a></p>

<p>As usual all the pictures can be found (larger) on my blog: <a href="http://tokyocamerastyle.com/">Tokyo Camera Style</a><br>

Tokyo Camera Style will be featured in the June 2009 issue of Nippon Camera here in Japan. By all means check it out if you have a chance.</p>

<p> </p>

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Fifth photo down from the top (fourth from the bottom)....what is this? To me, its vaguely remeniscent of what I belive was a prototype that

Leica (Leitz) created in the late 40's/early 50's - possibly of an MFRF? (yeah, right...dream on!) Well?

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<p>Wow John, fascinating. Here in Europe, people carrying a RF camera get either treated to a puzzled look ("what the heck is that?") or a wry smile of commiseration ("Hey buddy, is your old man's camera the only thing you can afford?"). Although, I went to a record store in Antwerp the other day, and I put my Leica IIIf on the counter to pay, and the lady said:"Wow, that's a III, isn't it? Great condition!" and then proceeded to take my cash. I was tickled pink? Until I found out her husband was running a used camera store...</p>
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