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Microtek M1 vs. Epson v750 for 4x5


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<p>Doesn't the Microtek M1 have digital ICE for film in Europe? If so, then it looks like a very interesting scanner considering that it has automatic focus whereas Epson does not. Here in the U.S., the Microtek did not offer digital ICE for film (only prints). Recently, Microtek decided not to offer their branded product in the US. So it sounds like this question is really a European oriented question. Good luck with your research.</p>
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<p>I hope Microtek has better support in Europe than here in the US. They have essentially left the US market and have never had realistic warranty service here either. When a US scanner needed repair, one's only option was a refurbished unit.<br>

Having said all that, I have had a Microtek 1800f for a number of years for 4x5 scanning and it does a decent job. Despite what Rodeo Joe says, The Epsons are well respected by many, but most of us do not expect resolution much over 2000-2400.<br>

Good luck.<br>


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<p>Hi, I have a v700 and find it perfectly satisfactory. Why ? For most work scanning 5x4 at 1200 or 1600 gives a very nice detailed sharp 24in print which is as big as you want 99% of the time. This, by the time it is mounted and matted is 30x20 or even slightly bigger in the frame. Multiscanning/multi exposure overcomes some of the DMAx issues. For anything that requires bigger than that or is a difficult slide then I send it away for a professional scan on an Imacon. Also anything bigger routinely would need much more horsepower than my 2.6 quadcore / 4gb vista 64bit OS to process anyway. Once you accept scanning at 1200/1600 the comments on the low real resolution of the flatbeds goes away for 5X4 at least as you are working in their sweetspot.<br>

I strongly suspect that the M1 would be as efficient at this resolution with the differences largely down to personal preference and availability of support. One issue the Epson does have is the glass platen and the fact that it has clouded up and got a little dusty on the inside after several years use. The M1 wouldnt have this problem but may have others arising from no glass. I did have a previous version to the M1 before the Epson and found it good for the holders, probably better than the Epson. Lack of ICE forced me back to the V700 at the time.</p>

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