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How would you fix this?

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<p>Hi, <br>

This client is unhappy with the hair along the top backside of his head as well as some of the fly aways along the side. What do you think is the best way to remove it while still looking natural. I'm not the greatest with photoshop and when I try using the clone tool I still see a sort of darker area around his head where I used it. Any help would be much appreciated. <br>



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<p>Mask off the top of the head with the magic wand or select color range tool; adjust the hardness of the boundary using Levels on Quick Mask. You can then clone away the stray hairs. The other issue is that the lighting gives him a bit of a halo, so when you clone, you have to be careful in selecting the clone source. To fix the side hair, I would just be patient and do minimal editing. It is what it is. You don't want to overcorrect.</p>

<p>Also use a lower opacity on the clone tool, or turn on airbrush mode. If the image you supplied were at original resolution, I could show you the result.</p>

<p>His glasses are crooked.</p>

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