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Replacing 30D with 50D or buyign 24-105


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<p>I have 30D body and i was thinking to buy new 50D or to buy 25-105 for my 30D<br>

so what do think ? new camera body or 24-105 lens<br>

here is the list of my lenses<br>

17-85 IS<br>

70-200 L f2.8<br>

sigma 10-20<br>

EF 50 f1.8</p>

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<p>You have a good kit and while the EF 24-105mm is not that wide on your camera, it will probably improve your image quality more than a new body. If you go for this option you can sell the EF-S 17-85mm lens.</p>
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<p>Just to be contrary...</p>

<p>I think the 50D is quite a step removed from the 30D. (High ISO, twice the pixels etcetera.)<br>

Depending on your style my quess is you won't really notice the difference between a 17-85 and a 24-105.</p>

<p>So the question is: would you notice a difference using the 24-105? My advice is to borrow or rent the lens to see if you see an improvement. If not the body might be the better choice.</p>

<p>That said, other things to consider: what do you miss in your current configuration? The 30D is a nice camera and has probably a big number of great pictures left in it. Maybe you'd like to explore a whole new direction in stead of upgrading a working part of your kit.<br>

In that way I agree with Gil but would like to take it broader. Think of travel money to interesting locations, a true macro lens, a true long lens or a fast prime with a focal length other than 50mm.</p>

<p>Kind regards, Matthijs.</p>


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<p>I'd get the 50D. You don't really need the 24-105 unless you plan to ditch the 17-85. And the 50D is the bee's knees compared to your cam: frickin' kickass LCD, ISO in VF, more logical menu system, greatly improved AF, more rez for jumbo prints, LV so you can shoot below the belt, faster FPS and**bonus points** new cams attract hot babes (dab some pheromones in the hotshoe for the full effect).</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

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<p>I think your question needs more specifics. Are you unhappy with the images from your 30D and current lenses? If so then what is wrong? Does the camera body fall short in performance for you? The 24-105 is a great lens but not wide enough on a crop body, at least from my personal experience. If you decide on a 50D then the 17-85 is going to show more of its weaknesses because of the higher pixel count. Perhaps selling the 17-85 and adding the Tamron 17-50 or the Canon 17-55 will be a better choice for you.</p>
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<p>i agree with richard... sell the 17-85mm purchase a 17-55mm. then take the money from the sold 17-85mm, sell the 30D also, buy the 50D... be in debt..... but enjoy your new gear.... or just keep the set up you have cause' it works just fine for the type of shooting you do... :>)</p>
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<p>I agree with Richard Martin and mat g... The 17-55/2.8 is a far better lens for a crop body camera than the 24-105. If you're intent on spending the money, I'd go this route. Give it some time and the 50D will come down in price (or refurbs will be available). The lens will hold its value.</p>
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<p>I took a look at some of your pics here. Good stuff! Since you do a lot of events/theatre work, I'd say replace the 17-85 with the 17-55 2.8IS. You'll appreciate the increased sharpness, faster speed and retain IS which is so important for theatre work. </p>
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<p>I agree that you should get a 17-55 2.8IS...I'd like one myself to go on my 30D. I'd also keep the 30D at ths point. I'd thought about selling mine to get a 40D but then the 50D came out so I condidered that one. I know that both are better cameras and offer real advantages over my 30D, but my 30D still meets all of my needs and meets them quite well. So I guess I'll wait and see what the 60D will do for me that my 30D can't and enjoy using what I have in the meantime.</p>
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<p>I recently upgraded my 30D to a 50D. I am very pleased with the 50D. It is a major upgrade in all respects. High ISO noise is a greatly exaggerated problem. With good exposures and post processing you will be better off than with your 30D at the same ISO.<br>

I also have the 17-85, plus a 10-22 and 70-300. I find the 17-85 is a really good "walk around" lens. It holds up better than I expected with my 50D. Before you abandon your 17-85 download a trial version of DXO. The difference DXO makes for the 17-85 is dramatic, much greater than for my other lenses. All my lenses deliver better IQ with my 50D.</p>

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