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Traveling to Philly


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<p>I will be making a day trip to Philadelphia, PA and am wondering if anyone has suggestions for low to no cost outdoor places to shoot. I want to do some skyline shots as well and was wondering if anybody can make some great recomendations of where to get these shots. I've seen beautiful areas to do this but unfortunately they are on the highway so any suggestions would be appreciated.</p>
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<p>You can't go wrong from the steps of the Art Museum. And at night there is boat house row behind the Art Museum(see my Flickr page). I am sure there are many other locations that will be mentioned by other local posters.<br>


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<p>William -- I was watching Samanth Brown's weekend show about Philadelphia last night. If you can get access to it, it looked like there was a great skyline view from the roof of the Eastern State Penitentiary. It wasn't clear to me from looking at the website whether access to that area is part of the regular tour, but that might be an option.</p>

<p>There's a shot I took from the steps of the art museum in this posting: <a href="../travel-photography-forum/00QpPU">http://www.photo.net/travel-photography-forum/00QpPU</a> It gives you some sense of what's there. I was more or less centered on the steps; you could definitely stand further left or right to get different perspectives.</p>

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I agree with the previous post about the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Not only is it a great spot for the skyline, but you can get the tourists and locals doing their best Rocky imitation in the foreground.<br>

Another great spot is about 200 yards to the left (when looking at the skyline from the Art Museum). There is a bridge over the Schuykill (spelling?) River and the interstate. From here, you can get reflections in the water scoot over a few feet and have tailights leading the the city. The bridge is a short walk from the museum, though you may need to dodge a few cars while crossing the street. Also the bridge does vibrate whenever a car passes. This is best in the late afternoon or dusk<br>

Another spot for dusk could be on the pedestian walkway of the Ben Franklin Bridge. I have not tried it yet, but everytime I drive over the bridge, it looks great and I say "I need to get back here," but never do.<br>

Othere places include Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell (depending on foot traffic, they now allow tripods), Society Hill neighborhood, South Street for some funky nightlife, Geno's cheesesteaks with its neon cladded sides, Boathouse row at night OR day, City Hall, etc. There is so much, you'll probably want to make several trips.</p>

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I would add the Kimmel Center and the view north on Broad Street, the Comcast Center, and the office buildings on Market (West of Broad) for architecture shots. The Cira Center at 30th Street (see my portfolio) is a beautiful building, but they don't let you photograph inside, or even on the sidewalk (and they are not nice about it!)</p>


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